What are you?

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I was in my room, still kind of crying. I hated everything that was going on. Malia was mad at us because we didn't tell her that Peter is her dad, Lydia found another code, Mrs. Yukimura was hurt, I hate all of it. I ended up crying myself to sleep. I had a dream that I was in a police car. My hands were tied to the steering wheel and I smelled gasoline. I looked up and there was a man, the culprit for the gasoline smell. I saw him holding a lighter and he threw it. "No!" I screamed as I woke up. It wasn't a dream, someone was actually going to die. And there was only one person on the Deadpool who worked at the Sheriff Station; Jordan Parrish. 

I got in the Camaro and rushed to the station. I opened the doors and ran to Stilinski's office. "Has anyone see Parrish?" He asked. No one answered. I got a scent; smoke and sulfur. And I heard a familiar heartbeat. Parrish? I ran out of his office and there he was, attacking another officer. We tried stopping him, but he wouldn't stop. Finally, he was done. "He was dead." I said quietly. 


We took Parrish to Derek. Riley didn't seem too happy about it. I'll have to talk to him about that. Derek looked over Parrish's hands. "He covered you in gasoline? Right?" Derek asked. He nodded. "It's the hair and nails right? They're essentially dead." Riley said. "They should be gone." Derek said. "I was set on fire guys, I should be gone." Parrish said. "Not unless you're like us." I said. "Like you?" He asked. "I don't think he's like us." Derek said. "Then what is he?" Lydia asked. "Sorry, but I have no clue." Derek said. "But you knew about Jackson and the Yukimuras." Sam said. "This is a little out of my experience." Derek said. "There might be something in the Bestiary. You try Argent?" Dimytri asked. "We don't know where he is." I said. "What's a Bestiary?" Parrish asked. "Actually, that isn't even my first question. Just tell me, are you all like Lydia?" He asked. We all looked at each other. "Are all of you Psychic?" He asked. "Not exactly." I said. "Then what are you guys?" He asked. Riley, Sam and I all showed him our eyes. 


Lydia told us the story of her grandmother. After a while, everyone left except. Scott, Sam and I. "If the Deadpool was made by a Banshee, then you should probably know something." Scott said. "Derek, you name broke the last of the list. Your name was the third cypher key." I said. "You could be in danger." Sam said. "Boys, Banshees don't predict danger, they predict death." Derek said. 

I hated school. Let's just be bland and outright with it. I hate school. The good thing is tonight is my favorite night; Bonfire night. I was excited because I love the outdoors and fire just makes it better. And since my brother was the captain, it was apparently up to Scott, Sam and I to tell if we saw anyone drinking. I looked at Liam and noticed something was wrong. 

We saw him sitting on the stairs. He looked really jumpy. He told us that his printer kept going off last night. We heard coach yell. We went in his office and noticed papers all over the floor. It scared the shit out of me when I saw it was an updated Deadpool. My brothers, Liam and I were worth more now, Alice Spinner was now on it, along with the De La Fontaine boys, and Derek's name was missing. 

It was time for the Bonfire. I walked around with my brothers. We ran into Malia and broke her hopes by telling her that our kind can't get drunk. 

We went on telling her how we have to stick together and she snapped at us when we mentioned Stiles. She started stumbling. How is she drunk? "Is this what drunk is supposed to feel like? It really doesn't feel as good as I hoped." She said. "It's not supposed to Malia." Scott said. We looked at Liam and he was stumbling around too. 

We got Liam and Malia and started heading towards the school when I got a killer headache. 

I noticed the louder the music got, the worse my headache got. "It isn't the drinks, it's the music." I said. Scott and Sam headed towards the dj and I sat down. Too much was going on in my head. I looked at Mason and he watched me concerningly. "Are you okay Riley?" He asked. "I'm fine Mason." I said with a weak smile. The dj turned the music up louder. I clutched my ears and fell to the ground. I don't know who it was, but someone picked me up and carried me to the school. I opened my eyes and saw the officer that had Liam by his arm push Mason. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor in the school with my brothers, Malia and Liam. I kept hearing a name; Lydia. It kept getting louder and louder and I finally screamed. I looked at the officer coming towards us and he had a gas jug. He was going to set us on fire. He was another assassin. 


Even though I'm not a supernatural creature, I heard Riley when he screamed. Brunski played the tape for Lydia and I felt useless. "You know, we have mostly teenagers trying to break into the drug cabinets here." He said as he grabbed a box. "Most of the time, they don't really succeed." He added. "But you two, look pretty smart to me." He said as he pulled out a syringe and a little bottle.  


The officer poured gas over all of us. Scott tried getting up, but he was too weak. The officer kicked him down and held a lighter close to us. Out of nowhere, the music outside stopped. And like magic, we had our strength back. Scott grabbed the man's hand and broke it. Braeden knocked him over the head with a baton. Derek started fighting the other officers and Braeden helped. "What happened to the gun?" Scott asked. "You guys are covered in gasoline." Derek said. "Well yeah." Sam said. We all got up and I ran out of the school. "Wait up Riley!" Liam yelled. I turned and looked at him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Stiles. He's at Eichen house and he's in trouble." I said. 


"You know Stiles, I don't have powers like your friends, but somehow, I knew we were going to do this again." He said. He leaned towards Lydia and put the syringe in her neck. "Drop it!" I heard someone yell. I heard an arrow being shot as well. Riley. "Take your thumb off the needle and slowly take it out of her neck." Parrish said. "The young deputy and the archer." Brunski said as he groaned in pain. I noticed an arrow sticking out of his leg. 'You're just a kid, I'm sure you've never fired a g-" He began until he was interrupted by being shot. Riley freed both Lydia and I. "He kill my grandmother." Lydia said quietly. "He was controlling Meredith." She said. "And used her to create the Deadpool." I said. He laughed. "And he killed her when she tried helping us too." She said. "You think it was me? I was controlling her? She was controlling me." Brunski said. Those were his last words. "Rest in Hell you bastard." Riley snapped. "Oh god. It's not him. He isn't the Benefactor." Lydia said. "No." We heard. "He wasn't on the list, but he was a very bad person." The voice said as the owner of it came into the light; Meredith Walker. 


That night, I couldn't sleep. I felt my phone vibrate. 'Go to sleep Riley.' It was from Derek. 'Why do you care if I'm awake or not? Shouldn't you care about your precious Mercenary?' I replied. 'I care about my boyfriend. Hopefully one day, my husband. Is that such a bad thing?' He said. I read it and felt tears build up in my eyes but I blinked them away. 'You don't care Derek. You just want me to believe you care.' I sent. 'Oh really?' He replied. Before I could answer, his presence was now in my room and he was making his way towards me. Once he was to me, he crashed his lips into mine. "I love you Riley." He said. 

Three Little Wolves Part 4Where stories live. Discover now