To Eichen House with You

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I guess the whole Berserker thing didn't go with me. I think it was because I was already a hybrid of 2 creatures. I opened my eyes and I saw Kira. "Kira?" I asked. "Riley." She said. I walked over to her and helped her up. "We have to find my brothers." I said. She nodded and we headed out. "Scott?" Kira called out quietly. 

We walked down the tunnel as quietly as we could. We looked up and there was one of the Berserkers. "Kira run!" I yelled. We turned to run, but were too late when Kira was attacked by one. I went to help her when the other one grabbed me and held me. We heard a snarl and he stopped attacking her. The Berserker attacking Kira? Scott. "I'm going to have to do a better job at covering that up." Kate said. "Maybe while you're covering that up, you can die and stay dead. Homewrecker." I snapped. "What did you do to them?" Kira asked. "How is the better question. See, when I finally got away from the Calaveras, I had no place to go. But for some unknown reason, I was drawn here." She answered. "The temple of Tezcatlipoca." She added. "His name means 'smoking mirror' and this place is made of smoking mirror." She said. "Obsidian." I said. "That's right little Riley. When I got here, I found the Berserkers, just patiently waiting for me. They helped me survive and I honestly didn't know why until just recently. When I decided to trust someone I would never trust." She said. "Then, I found out that now only can I control the Berserkers, but I could create them." She said. "So you kidnap my brothers and I in order to make your own personal lap dogs?" I snarled. "No not at all sweetheart. You see, the call me La Loba. The Bone Woman. We only let you two out because we needed to test their loyalty." She said. "Did you guys know that Scott and Sam became an Alpha without having to kill anyone?" Kate asked. "True Alpha." I said. Kate made a motion and Scott stabbed Kira with his dagger and Sam made a cut across my chest. I screamed. Almost like a siren for my pack to know where I was. 


Apparently, something happened to Riley. Stiles went to tell his dad that we were going to go find them. I tried stopping Cole from bursting into The Argent's place, but it didn't work. Cole bursted through the door of Argent's office and used his powers to elevate him above the ground. "Where did she take them?!" He yelled. "I don't know." Argent gasped. "Where did that whore take my fiance'?!?!" He screamed. "Cole, let him down. He doesn't know anything." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. As if I flipped a switch, he broke down into my arms and cried. 

I got a call from Stiles and we were all meeting up to go over the plan. "How'd the hell did you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asked Braeden. "I'm a U.S Marshal." She answered. Stiles and Kaige took Jay, Eli, Liam, Malia, Kieran, Jayden and Kayden to try and get a scent of the McCalls and Kira.  "I thought that was just a cover." Malia said. "Are we really bringing him?" Derek asked, pointing at Liam. "Are we really bringing him?" Stiles answered, pointing at Peter. "We're taking everyone we can and seeing as how they were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going." Peter said. Something about him just didn't sit right. Derek went over to Cole. I don't know what happened, but Cole ended up in Derek's arms. "What does that mean?" Malia asked. "If Kate took them back to the same temple she took Derek, ow do we know she's not going to do the same thing as him?" Peter asked. "She wants to make them younger?" Liam asked. "Or take them back to when they weren't werewolves." Derek said. 

We tried getting a hold of Lydia, but nothing was working. It was something Peter said that just didn't sit right with me. 'We don't fight Berserkers to survive. We fight them to kill them.' 

After about an hour of trying to reach Lydia, we decided to leave without her or her sister. 


I was trying to help Kira heal. I didn't care if I healed or not, just as long as no one else died. I don't how she got it, but she realized that just like wolves, foxes can heal through pain too. 


The full moon has risen and Liam was having trouble with the moon. Derek tried teaching him his mantra, but it wasn't working. So I remembered the other mantra I heard. "Liam, what three things cannot long be hidden?" I asked. him. "The sun, the moon and the truth." He answered. I told him to keep repeating that. 

After a while, we reached La Iglesia. Time to find my pack. 


I was sitting there with Kira when I heard gunshots. I also heard a familiar voice in my head. 'Not my dad.' Cheveyo said. What the hell is going on up there. 

After a while, I heard the familiar footsteps and heartbeats of my pack. I started hearing yelling and rapid gunfire. "Come on Kira, we have to go." I said as I helped her up. We followed the sounds and scents and before you knew it, we found them. 


I went to go check on Derek and he looked like he was in pretty bad shape. That Berserker did a number on him. "Tell Riley I love him." Were his last words. 


I went to go towards them and I felt this unbearable aching in my chest. I fell on my knees. "Riley?" Cole asked as he ran towards me. It happened, and this time, for real. Derek Hale, my super hot and amazing werewolf boyfriend, was dead. I clenched my chest and tried to fight the tears. Stiles came over to me. "RIley where are you brothers?" Stiles asked. "You're. . . fighting . . . them." I said in labored breaths. "Stiles, stop them." I said. Kira and Stiles stopped Malia from driving a dagger into Scott's head. 

Scott knocked everyone back and started going after Liam. "Scott," Liam said as he held him against a wall. Scott and Sam drew back their arms to kill Liam when he yelled their name. "You two aren't monsters. You're a werewolf, like me." Liam said. Scott let Liam down and he started ripping off the armour he wore. Sam soon joined him. I was finally able to stand up, but I still had the pain in my chest. Just then, Scott ripped off the skull. I fell on my knees in pain and I screamed as loud as I could. I'm sure I screamed louder. "No!" I shrieked. The scream was so loud, it cracked the skull on Sam's head. Finally, I stood up and went over to my brothers. "It was you. The only one who knew just as much about Berserkers as Argent." Scott said. And the Nagual." Sam said. "You taught Kate how to make Berserkers. All of this, just for power." Scott said. "You three don't deserve power, not power like this." Peter said as he started shifting. 

I went outside. Just to see if it was true. Of course, I looked behind the van and there he was. Derek was there, dead. I walked over to him and kissed him. "I love you Derek Hale." I said as I wiped the tears from my face. Now, this was personal. Peter knew this plan the entire time. He planned for Derek to die. And now, he would know the same pain. I was halfway through the temple when I heard a familiar howl. "Derek?" I said. I ran back down to my brothers to help them end this. 

When I got there, Peter had thrown both of my brothers into walls and was aiming for Liam now. He threw a bench at Liam and he started going towards him. "I don't think so." I said as I kicked him in his chin. "Fight Peter. The only way to get rid of us is to kill us." I said as I punched him in the nose. My brothers soon joined in the ass kicking Peter Hale has had coming. "Peter, you were never an Alpha, but you were always a monster." I said. Peter started towards us and Scott landed the final blow, knocking Peter out. 


"None of them are your little hero. Not when they killed Allison." Kate said. "I'm right here." We heard. I turned and there was my daughter, right behind me. Kate somehow got away, but I didn't care. My daughter, who was dead, is now standing in front of me. "Dad, we gotta get you to a hospital." Allison said. 


Daybreak had finally came. "We gave Peter enough wolfsbane to keep him out for the trip back." Argent said. He made a deal with the Calaveras. If he helped them catch Kate, they'd leave us alone. The pack was rather shocked to know that not only was Allison alive, but so was Aiden. I saw Derek and I ran up and jumped in his arms. "You can never ever EVER do that again." I said. "Never again babe." He said as he squeezed me. 

We got back to Beacon Hills and I felt better. Cole hadn't let me leave his sight for more than 2 seconds. My pack was doing good. Lydia and Anna told us about the whole encounter with the Berserker. Liam and Scott explained to coach why we missed the game. Kira and Kieran both earned their first tails. I on the other hand, made a dagger or two made out of Obsidian. I was just happy. I had all of my old pack back. Allison, Aiden, Isaac, Ethan, hell, even Jackson. We were happy.

Especially since Peter was now a tenant at Eichen House.

Three Little Wolves Part 4Where stories live. Discover now