Visual Confirmation

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We waited at the station for my dad. He had to give a report about what happened at the school. "Thanks for waiting for me boys, I know it's late." He said as he came out of the office he was using. "It's okay. It's not like we're going to school tomorrow anyway." Sam said. "Well, unfortunately, I'm going to have to go back to San Francisco tonight." He said as he held his head down. "I have to review with the field office." He added. "But I promise you three, I will be back as soon as possible." He said. "And I might have to miss the first game of the season." He said. "It's no big deal dad." Scott said. "It is to me. I'm keeping my promises this time." He said. He looked at me. "What I did, it had to be done. You know that right?" He said. "Have you done it before?" Scott asked. "Only two other times." He said. "It's not easy taking another person's life. Especially when someone forces you to do it." He said. "How do you deal with it?" I asked. "I used to do it by drinking." He laughed. He pulled us three in a hug. "One more thing. When I get back, we have to talk about the way you three and your friends deal with things. It seems like it doesn't affect you." He said. "Almost like you guys know something I don't." He said. Is he hinting at us being werewolves? "When I get back, I want to be in the know boys." He said. We nodded and went out to the Camaro. 

The next day, I was a part of a rather idiotic plan. I was in the room they put Scott in since he was 'dead'. I was looking pacing back and forth and I started overthinking. I screamed. My mom did to, right on cue. 

Pretty much what happened was Kira shocked Scott until his heart stopped beating. Or almost stopped. 

My mom was going on about how this was a bad plan. Cole, Stiles, Kaige, Kira, Kieran, Liam, my mom, Mrs. Yukimura, Sam and I were all standing around his body. No one mentioned to tell my mom that after 45 minutes, if Scott wasn't brought back to life, he dies. 

Stiles went with Argent to see what the Benefactor says. I couldn't help but worry about Derek. He was the third cypher key and I haven't really talked to him much lately. 

It seemed like time went on so slowly. I went to go find Stiles and Kaige and I ran into Liam, Kira and Kieran. They told me one of the cameras went out. I told them to come right back. 


We got to the roof and there was nothing. There was a generator that was sabotaged and it exploded. "Looks like  someone did something to it." I said. I heard growling behind me. "I think someone did." Kieran said as Kira and him drew their swords. 


"The power is out in the building and we've lost all of the cameras." Kaige said as we ran into Argent. "You guys stay with Scott. Text me if you see or hear anything." He said. We nodded and went to where Scott was. 

Stiles was trying to call Argent. Out of nowhere, he was thrown through the doors. "Boys, run!" He yelled. Kate walked in after he said that and I growled. "Get out of the way. I'm taking the body." She told us. I drew my bow and arrow. "No. Turn your ass around and leave us alone bitch." I said. "Why? You need Visual confirmation?" Stiles asked. "Don't worry, I'm not the Benefactor." She said. "Then what the hell do you want with my brother's body?" Sam asked. "I wish I could tell you." She said. "Yeah and I wish I could tell you how much I'm going to enjoy shooting you in the head with this arrow." I snapped. 

Argent was arguing with Kate and she finally left. It was time to wake Scott up. He woke up screaming. "Did it work?" He asked. Liam came in. "Your mom." he said to Kira and Kieran. "She's been hurt." He said. 

I left the hospital to go see Derek. I opened the door to the loft and there he was, with Braeden? He saw me and I turned to leave. He ran after me and grabbed my arm. "Don't go." He said with tears in his eyes. "Why not Derek? First it was Jennifer and now, a mercenary. Am I not good enough for you Derek?" I cried. "You are." Derek said as he walked closer to me. "Apparently not Derek. You hurt me. On purpose!" I yelled. "It's not like that." He said. "Goodbye Derek." I said as I walked away. I hated how I showed weakness by crying as I walked to the elevator. 

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