Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I've been writing a lot lately so sorry i havent uploaded. im starting school wends, so i wont be able to write as much. it might take me a little bit longer to upload. just letting you know. agh! cant believe im starting high school! it doesnt seem real! anyway, heres the next chapter of tbwstm!

Taty <3


~Chapter 4~

Ariel POV

"Ummmmm well where do I start?" I said to myself. Drake replied from behind me. Like right behind me. He spoke right in my ear. I shivered as he breathed in my ear. He was close enough that I could smell him. He smelled just like vanilla. It was a really nice smell.

"The beginning would be a good place." I turned to him.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated right now."

"When is it ever?" I rolled my eyes.

"Just shut up." He grinned at me.

"Make me." I groaned.

"You are such an annoying little prick."

"Well, I know how you could get this annoying little prick to shut up."

"How?" I asked. I'm sure I'm going to regret saving this boys life. He grinned.

"You could kiss me again." Yup, I regretted saving him. I should have let him drown.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" Jesse screamed. I turned to him and the rest of the group. They were all staring at me in shock. They all knew very well that I really didn't like humans. Especially after what they did to my uncle. So the idea of me kissing one was just mind boggling.

"I- well-er-" I was stuttering. I have no idea why but I was. Drake didn't have the same problem I did.

"After I saved her, I told her to jump in the water and swim away. Before she did, she leaned over and kissed me on my lips. Does that help?" He was smirking. This boy was so irritating.

"Ariel." Dustin said. "You have some explaining to do." Ariabella spoke up.

"Yeah, El. I'm very confused."

"Okay, so from the beginning. So after I got kidnapped...." I explained to them everything. They were my best friends, I mean pretty much my family, so I really told them everything.

"Oh my god, Ariel. You know how illegal that is." Ciela said after it all. Jesse was glaring at Drake, although he had been for the entire time. Sam was ignoring him and Dustin had asked many times if he could kick Drakes ass. I had said no every time he asked.

"Don't you think I know that? That's why I'm freaking out! It's not like I meant to." I said, looking at Drake sitting under a tree with his eyes closed. I assumed he was sleeping. I had only been talking for ten minutes, but he seemed totally out of it. I looked back at my friends. "Look, we can try to figure this out later. But we cant tell anyone. Unless of course you would like me dead. But for now, lets just go home and sleep on it. Its late." Everyone nodded and Sam looked at me.

"What are you gonna do about him?"

I'll let him sleep at my place." I looked over at Drake again. His long, sand blonde hair fell over half of his face and his arms were crossed over his chest, legs stretched out, and ankles crossed. He looked so peaceful as he slept. He looked innocent. Drake was anything but innocent. That point was made clear by the small ring piercing on his lip, the red tips on his hair, and the tattoo on his wrist. I swam over to him, sitting down on my knees. I reached over and brushed the hair out of his face. It moved slowly with the water making it float around his face. I noticed a small scar slanting on his forehead, right where his hair covered. I'd have to ask him about that later. I picked him up and turned to the group, Drake in my arms bridal style. He was pretty heavy, not fat but more muscle, but since I was a mermaid, I was really strong. Dustin, Jesse, Sam, and Ariabella were staring at me. Ciela just rolled her eyes. "Come on guys. Let's go home." They all followed me since we lived right by each other. Sam was the first to swim away. He gave us all a hug and then gave Ciela a kiss. Drake stirred in my arms as Sam hugged me. He put his arms around my neck, seeming more comfortable. I laughed a little bit. Afew minutes later, Ariabella and Dustin left. They lived in the same neighborhood. Ciela left as we swam by her house and she gave me a hug and a "Don't kill the human. He's really cute." We laughed and she swam to her house. So, that just left me and Jesse. We lived right next to each other. After a minute of quiet, Jesse spoke.

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