Chapter 5

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Hey guys so I havent updated in a while so Im trying to make this as long as posibble. Enjoy! BellaXx


Azalia's POV

By the time I got home with the twins it was dark outside. It had been a long day and I just wanted to lay down and read "the fault in our stars" and stuff my face with chips. Attractive right? Which I would have done if it wasn't for that infuriating sound called the doorbell. I was tempted to just ignore it when I heard a curiously familiar irish accent yell :

"I can hear your music inside Zee"

I ran to the door without noticing my horrible appearance I mean I'm talking the cliche messy bun, oversized glasses, not to mention the shorts and food stained shirt. You can imagine his face as he took my appearance. His blue eyes wide and his pink lips slightly parted god did I want to kiss those lips. Suddenly that little voice in my head reminded that I had never even kissed anyone. You know that little voice that sometimes you just want to punch in the throat yeah that one. I snapped out of my trance to look at an awaiting Niall.

"Zee?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

" Yeah" he said sheepishly " I decided Azalia is a mouthful plus it's a pretty nickname"

I just nodded to keep myself from mumbling something stupid. Isn't it funny how we can be intelligent individuals but as soon as cute boy shows up we become excuse my language dumbasses.

He ran his hand through his hair before looking at me " Nice outfit"

I looked down and smiled shyly " Oh this, yeah it's one of my most extravagant pieces of clothing I own"

He chuckled slightly before saying " So as much as I would love to stand here in the cold talking about your outfit and believe I would can I come in?"

I opened the door wider and let him come through. I being the amazing hostess I am asked if he wanted anything to eat or drink which he politely denied.

"So is there a particular reason you came to my house or did you just want to hang out with the biggest nerd of the school and possibly ruin your high school experience?"

"You're funny and I was just wondering if you could help me with some math I know it's late but I don't really want to start my year here with a failing grade"

I felt disappointed but I knew it was coming so I just sucked it up and smiled and agreed.

------------------------------------ An hour later--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

" I am so glad you live next to me thank you so much" Niall told me before walking out my door.

I closed the door and ran back upstairs it was too late to keep reading and as much as I wanted to eat the rest of the chips I needed sleep. I fell into a quick slumber. When I awoke it was 8. I had to be in school in 15 minutes and of course when you're late nothing seems to go your way. I had a zit the size of my thumb on my forehead okay not that big but you get the picture. I had been so tired last night that I forgot to apply my acne cream.

" Thank you hormones" I mumbled sarcastically.

" Who are you talking to?" diego asked popping out of nowhere.

I nearly had a heart attack " No one I overslept. I'll be down in 10."

" What's that on your face it looks gross"

I wanted to choke him at the moment so I did what a reasonable person would do and shoved him out of the bathroom, and slammed the door on his face. I couldn't see anything so I began to apply my contacts and it seemed the universe was against me today because my right contact went down the drain. I sighed in exasperation and went to look for my glasses. When I found them I went back to the restroom cringing at my reflection.

I quickly parted my hair so that it would cover the zit applied eyeliner while I squeezed into some tights and threw a cute tank top on. I figured I didn't have time for breakfast and just ran to my car where the twins were waiting. I made it to school with minutes to spare. Of course I forgot Zayn would be there by my locker.

"I see you're late sexy" he smirked before continuing " You know if you would let me give you a ride to school you'll never be late." as if his stupid smirk wasn't enough he started tracing patterns on my arm.

I shoved my books in my locker before turning around grabbing his hand and twisting it into a painful position.

" Listen fucktard touch me again and it will be the last time you have that hand kay buddy" I pushed him away from me and walked away of course that didn't stop him from shouting

" I like my women feisty so all you're doing is making me more attracted to you" I resisted the urge to slap the living daylights out of him and continued walking to my class.

" Ms. Collins late again I see one more tardy and you'll have a detention wouldn't want that now would we?" Mr. McCall said without looking up.

"No sir it won't happen again" I went to my seat and started on my work. The class went slower than usual I just couldn't wait to go home and sleep. By fourth hour I was starving remind me to never skip breakfast.

Finally the bell rang signifying that it was lunch time. I was walking to the cafeteria when someone tripped me. I fell face first my glasses flying off my face.

" Is that a zit I see oh that thing looks like a volcano and surprisingly it makes you look less disgusting" Aimee sneered at me.

I attempted to get up but she just put her shoe on my back. "Get your disgusting shoe off me you repugnant skank" I was losing my cool fast. By now a crowd had formed around us. I managed to get her shoe off me and got up my books forgotten.

" Is that the best you've got four eyes why don't you go die in a hole you'll be doing all of us a favor." That actually hurt but she wasn't done she picked up my glasses just to step on them and her squad of whores kicked my books, and walked away.

Everyone left leaving me to drown in my own misery. I heard footsteps coming my way and stop when they stood in front of me. "What are you here to make fun of my face or maybe how disgusting I am?" I didn't dare look up.

"Actually I just saw these on the floor thought you might need them" A boy said while throwing my glasses hitting me in the face in the process.

" Gee thanks" I replied while snatching them from the floor, and placed them on my face

" I would have handed them to you if you weren't such a bitch about it." I looked up to see a boy with black hair covering half his face he had dark blue eyes.

" Sorry" I picked up my books I was about to thank the boy but he was already walking away. I went to lunch ignoring the concerning stares from Nico and Summer. I wasn't in the mood to recap the mess that was my life. The day passed slowly without any interesting occurrences. As my last class ended I drove home as fast as I could without getting a ticket.

When I got home I went to my room and collapsed on the bed falling into a much awaited slumber.


Hey Guys Im back!!! Go check out louislove123 and da5thmarauder their stories are amazing. Vote and comment any suggestions :) BellaXxXx

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