Chapter 1

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So this is my first fan fic I would love some suggestions so yeah! enjoy!! - Ella Xx

Azalia's POV

My alarm stared blaring "payphone" and I reached out to turn it off. Ugh I thought another horrible school day, I hopped out of bed and went into the shower. After my shower I blow dried my hair and got changed into a crop top and some skinny jeans with boots.

I never really spend a lot of time deciding on clothes but I did on my hair I loved braiding my hair and other peoples hair. I put my hair into a fishtail and unlike most girls I don't wear any makeup excepts maybe eye liner but today I decided to skip it. I sprayed some perfume and put on my handmade bracelets another thing I could do that involved braiding. I looked at myself in the mirror and wasn't satisfied. I wasn't drop dead gorgeous or bone ugly I was just average as average as you can get. I had long black wavy/straight hair and brown eyes I was kinda short and skinny but not like any of those models but I was strong I took karate and I was a black belt and I was proud that was probably one of the few things that I enjoyed besides reading and other stuff.

I realized that I had spent too much thinking and went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Good morning Azalia"

my mom said with her thick accent. I forgot to mention I'm Hispanic I come from Colombia and my family and I came to the Uk when I was 7 so my mom didn't speak very good English but she tried her best. "Good morning" I replied and said hello to the twins who were ready. The girl was named Aranza and the boy was named Diego they were both ten. I knew they were up to something since they started whispering when they notice I was downstairs. I waved it off it was too early in the morning to start fighting. I finished my breakfast quickly eager to get out of the house I grabbed my keys and as I was about to get out of the door when my mom said

" can you please take the twins I have a massage early today and I need to get ready"

I sighed and said fine as I ushered the twins out the door. My mom was a message therapist and my dad a pilot so he wasn't home a lot I had just got my license and a new car.

" Go Diego Go!!!" Aranza yelled, oh god and the torture began

"Stop it or I'll make fun of your name Aran-za Diego taunted.

" Both of you stop or I'll make you get out of the car" I said although I didn't really mean it but it helped shut them up. After dropping off the twins at their school which luckily was 5 minutes from mine I arrived at my school dreading the long day. I put my stuff in my locker and i was about to take out my textbooks when suddenly someone shut my locker door I turned around to find the biggest school jerk grinning at me.

" You know Zayn being a dick isn't gonna make yours bigger"

I snarled at him he looked taken aback by my outburst but quickly regained his composure

" Oh come on you know you want some of this" he said pointing to his body.

" As if look stop trying to get me to go out with you I don't even know why you want to don't you have the perfect cheerleaders after you"

Zayn thought for a moment and then said " well you see you haven't dated anyone in this school and I wanna be the privileged one" I rolled my eyes at the thought of this.

"Whatever" I opened my locker and got what I needed and walked away leaving him slightly shocked. The day went by and I ate lunch with my 2 best friends Summer and Nicole who preffered to be called Nico. The rest of the day flew by and I got out of my car and just as I was about to enter my house I heard some yelling from next door which was weird considering the house was empty I guessed someone was finally moving in.

I went over to see if they needed any help and a women introduced herself as Maura her accent sounded Irish. She said she would love some help and I told her I would just get changed and I would be right over. I was grabbing some boxes from the moving truck and started going into the house when I bumped into someone and I fell "oh god I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going" said a cute boy I got up and brushed myself off

"oh don't worry I'm fine I'm Azalia" I extended out my hand.

"Niall" he replied.

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