Chapter 2

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"Niall" he said

"And you have a rare name" he added.

I blushed slightly

"Um yeah my parents are into weird names" I said looking down trying to control my blush, once I did I finally looked into his eyes.

I was mesmerized his eyes were a gorgeous aqua blue color and his blonde hair was messy and his face was light pink I guess from carrying all those boxes.

The boxes! I remembered I had to finish carrying these boxes and then I had to go to karate. I said a brief bye to Niall after I finished putting the boxes away.

Niall's POV

I was going downstairs to get more boxes when I bumped into someone.

I got up to see a girl about my age she quickly got up. I apologized she brushed it off and she introduced her her self as Azalia. I had never heard that name before and accidentally voiced my thoughts. She blushed and we talked for a few minutes.

Her beauty didn't go unnoticed by me and I doubted she wore any make up which made me more interested in her. But I decided I wouldn't get involved after I had just gotten out of a relationship and there would be lots of girls to pick from when I got back to school. I just couldn't help from noticing there was something different in Azalia. I had been thinking too much and started to unpack some boxes.

We had just moved from Ireland to Bradford and I had to break up with my girlfriend and she didn't take it well. "Well" is an understatement she made a big drama in front of everyone and well you get the point. I finished with most of the boxes and decided to go to bed. I was tired and I had school tomorrow.

Azalia's POV

After 2 hours of karate I was exhausted. I got home and showered and went straight to bed dreading tomorrow but somehow I couldn't fall asleep I couldn't stop thinking about how blue his eyes were. I snapped out of it well tried to I mean why in the world would he notice me plus he would find out what a total nerd I was tomorrow ruining my chances not that I had any.

I bet Aimee the school's most popular girl and captain of the cheer leading team would be all over him.

I soon fell asleep with that thought. I woke up to my overplayed alarm and did my usual morning routine putting my hair into the famous "katniss braid" and went downstairs to find my mom talking to Maura.

"Hey sweetie" Maura said "Thanks for the help yesterday"

"No problem I was glad to help" I replied before starting to eat my breakfast.

"Hey honey thanks for taking the twins yesterday can you take them again please"

"Um sure" I replied.

"Azalia!! Azalia!!" the twins yelled pulling on me to get going.

As I was getting into my car I saw Niall getting into his I decided to get going or I would be late.

"Ohhh whose that boy you were looking at?" Aranza asked

" No one".

The twins decided it would be funny to taunt me all the way to their school which resulted in a very long ride since there was a lot of traffic. When I finally got to my school I was 15 minutes late great I thought that's just what I needed.

I put my stuff into my locker and went to class. I knocked and entered to find all eyes on me a few smirking at my embarrassment I went to my seat and 5 minutes later there was another knock and someone came in I decided to ignore it and finish my work.

" Ah a new student why don't you introduce yourself Mr.Horan. I finally looked up to see Niall.

Niall's POV

I came into the room and found all eyes on me except a girl with who looked familiar. The teacher told me to introduce myself and she finally looked up and I realized it was Azalia she looked kinda shocked to see me but she quickly looked back down to finish her work.

"Hi I'm Niall Horan I'm from Ireland and just recently moved here" I sat down in an empty seat while class continued I caught a few girls staring at me not that they didn't make it obvious they practically squealed when I sat near them.

After class this girl came up to me and introduced herself as Aimee and offered to show me around I agreed I wanted to speak to Azalia but she quickly left when the bell rang so I didn't get a chance to talk to her. Aimee was one of those perfect model girls but she had too much make up on. She kept talking about something but I really wasn't listening she stopped suddenly and waved her hands in front of my face breaking my out of my trance

"Hey weren't you listening?"

"Oh sorry hey can I still try out for football and track?" I asked

"Oh yeah you just have to talk to the coach"

"Great thanks"


Hey guys!!! hopefully you guys enjoy this and vote if you love niall!!! Also Aimee in the sidebar oh and plz leave comments suggesting ideas and sorry for any typos first to comment gets next chapter dedicated to them love you -ella xx

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