The Meet

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"Lizzy come sit with me!" everyone called from the lunch tables. You could tell by Lizzy's face that she was thinking hard. No not the nerdy table. Not the football team. Oh, how about the cheerleaders!, she thought. Lizzy went over to the cheerleaders table and sat down next to Lexi. "Hey girl! How's it going?" Lexi said, "Doing good! How about you?", " Same. Oh!! I heard there was a new football player joining the football team! He's so cute!!" Lexi shouted. Everyone looked at her, Lexi blushed, looked down, and started eating her PB n' J sandwich. "What's his name?" a different girl asked, " His name is Alex. People say that he was team captain at his old school, but had to move from his town, to this one! Guys, we are so lucky!! The only one who doesn't have a boyfriend is Lizzy!" Lexi gasped for air. As they started talking about Alex, he walked over to their table,

"Hey girls." Alex said,they all grinned, but the most surprised was Lizzy. Lizzy was nice,kind,and fun too. But she never thought that a guy, this cute, would sit next to her. Lexi bumped Lizzy's elbow, and winked at her. Lizzy mouthed the words, what are you talking about?, then Lexi looked at Alex and she knew why.

" What? Is there something wrong? I can go sit somewhere else." As Alex picked up his tray, all of the girls said " No! It's ok." exept for Lizzy. Lizzy was the only girl not crazy about guys. Well, the reason why was that she had gotten abused when her step father came into her life. He would beat her everyday until she bled. Lizzy looked under watch, which was hiding a big bruise, and looked at it to see if it was fine. It was ok, but it hurt badly.

" What's wrong?" Alex asked,

"Oh, uh, nothing, I'm ok."

"You sure? I might wanna take a look at that."

" No, no, Im --" but before she could finish her sentence, Alex already started taking her watch off, as he did he saw the humongous bruise covering her hole wrist. " Oh My God!!!! What happened!?" Alex exlaimed, " It's nothing!!" Lizzy said jerking her arm back, but she couldn't get away. Alex had a tight grip of her arm that she couldn't get out of. This reminded her of when she was a little younger, of how her step dad would grab her arm and smack her as hard as he could with his belt. Lizzy started to break down in tears, " Let me go!!" Lizzy screamed through her sobbing. He let go and Lizzy ran into the girls bathroom and sat in the stall. She sat there sobbing away at her interaction with Alex for two class periods.She finally thought that she had enough and went to class. " Sorry I'm late sir." She exlaimed as she walked into the class room wiping tears from her eyes, " It's fine. But I'm only letting you do this because it's the beginning of the school year. Anyway class, today we will be taking a quiz on algebra." the teacher, Mr. McClone, said.

Lizzy couldn't stop thinking about what happened at lunch as she took the test. After she turned in her paper and it was time to go home. Lizzy, again ran to the bathroom stall. She sat down and hugged her books tight. As girls were coming in and out she thought even more about what her step dad would think and what her mom would think. She also thought about the test and how she did on it. She finally came out of the bathroom stall and went to her locker. As she was opening it Alex came over,

"Look, Lizzy. I'm sorry for what I did...and it was really wrong of me to do that. I'm saying sorry because I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm so sorry Lizzy. Will you forgive me?" he said. She stood there staring at her locker and finally had the courage to speak,

" Yes Alex. I forgive you. Wait... how do you know my name?"

" Oh yea. Lexi told me, so I could apologize to you."

"Oh ok."

As he walked away, she grabbed he book bag and stuffed her books into it. Lizzy walked home, and on that walk she was thinking non stop of what her dad was going to do to her when she got home. She walked into her house. But surprisingly, no one was home. Out of no where someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth. She struggled to get away. He shut the door behind him and grabbed her hair. Pulling her by her hair, he dragged her into the basement. He even dragged her down the stairs by her hair, making her head and body slam against the rock hard floor. He threw her into the corner, and tied her hands behind her and onto a pole, which stood in the middle of the basement. A trickle of blood ran down Lizzy's fore head and down her cheek. She sat there. Frightened. All she knew about the person. Was that he was a boy. Not any boy. A boy who she just met. Alex. That's right. He followed her home in his mustang, but staying far behind, so she wouldn't suspect a thing. And now, he was in her basement.

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