Knowing More About Alex

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Alex ran over to me and took the shard way from my neck and threw it arose the room. He picked me up by the waist and sat me down on the bed. I was quiet the whole time. He ran out and came back in the bedroom with a broom and dust pan. He sweeped  up the glass shards, ran out with the broom and dust pan, and ran back in and sat next to me. He put his hand on my thigh and I scooted over slightly.

"Have I really been that bad to you?"

I didn't answer him,

"Please answer me Lizzy. I don't wanna do this anymore. I wanna start over."

"Yes... you have been that bad to me. I'm sick of being tortured by you. I just want my old life back!"

"Yea... I know what you mean Lizzy."

" do? How?"

"Well... I didn't choose this life. My mother chose it for me. She was a murderer. She wanted me to be just like her...but I couldn't see myself killing anyone. So this was my other choice."

"Tell me your story." I scooted closer to him, feeling more comfortable than usual.

"Well it all started the day I was born. I wasn't born in a hospital like you probably were. I was born in my home. My old home. Before I was born, my mom and dad went to the hospital to get a room. They recognized my mother, and threatened to call the police if she didn't leave. She refused to leave. As the girl at the front desk was dialing 911... my mother pulled out a knife and stabbed her in the throat. As she did so, she said things like, 'I should've never come here in the first place' and 'You should've let me stay'. So she was forced to give birth at my home."  My jaw has been wide open this whole time.

Alex continued talking, " My mother has always taught me to be mean, and to bully other kids at school. My father always had to pick me up from school, since the police were always there. I threw a punch at a kid one day for the fist time, and got suspended for a week. My father picked me up and drove me home. When we got there, my mother had heard the news and was very proud. I would get ten bucks every time I would do this. I continued and has fun with it. When my father lost his job, the only one he could find was on the police force. He took the job and was given a mission........... a mission to kill my mother. He was very devastated at the tough of it since he loved her so much. But, he never saw her kill. She was down stairs in the basement one day when I thought she was just doing Just Dance or something since there was music. I went down there and saw a girl. About fifteen. I was only six at the time so think of what I saw. I saw a bloody girl... chained to a medal table. The chains were heavy and big. There was blood spattered on the walls and a whole bunch of knives, chainsaws, and saws on a table next to her. The girl was about dead when my mom turned around, to see a scared and petrified me, standing in the door way. 'Come here my darling and let me show you what you are going to do.' she had said. She told me about the killing that I would do, but I didn't wanna. She then said if I didn't want to kill, then I would have to torture. I decided to go with that. She gave me a knife and led me to the metal table with the bloody and pale girl just lying there. 'Now kill her.' She laughed. I looked into her helpless eyes and just couldn't do it. She kept screaming to do it, but I kept shaking my head no every time. She finally took the knife from my hand, and jabbed it into her heart. Blood spattered everywhere. One her, on me, and the walls. I saw her soul leave her body, leaving her lifeless eyes behind. Her eyes rolled back into her head. My mother looked down at me and grinned an evil grin. My father barged down stairs and saw what I had seen. He had his officer uniform on and his gun in hand. He stared at my mother pointing the gun to her head. He started cussing at her. She had enough and grabbed me and held a knife to my throat. My dad had no choice but to shoot her. He shot her. The knife went into my throat slightly sending me down along with her. I was in a coma for years. After the coma had ended. I was put through tons of therapy. My father was going to put me through more when're I was seventeen, only last year. I had had enough with therapy and got angry. I took his gun from the shelf and shot him in the chest a couple of times. His bloody body fell to the floor, and life left his eyes. Now I'm here with you." He smiled at me.

"That's an interesting life you got there.  "

"" He gave a grin and punched me across the face. He started punching me everywhere. It felt like he was going to hit me to death. It started getting harder to breath after a while. I suddenly just passed out. I could still feel what was going on. He was still punching me. Then it suddenly stopped.

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