Chapter 5

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Patrick's POV

As I watch Lexi and Pete walk away I feel a stab of jealously and feel like punching Lexi. I love the idiot but I want to spend time with Pete so it's annoying that Lexi gets more time with him than me.

I want to be the one hugging Pete and laughing with him and putting my arm around him but I lost my chance. He seems to hate me so there's no way I have a chance with him now. Now Lexi will get to be his friend and hang out with him instead of me. Lexi's super gay but he has a weird on again off again relationship at the moment so he won't try anything with Pete. Even if he wanted to we've been friends for years and he knows how I feel about Pete so I know they'll only be friends.

I trudge off to class, knowing that I'll never be able to concentrate. Pete'll be laughing and having fun and making friends and looking like the sex god he is while I'm not there. I would give anything to swap classes with Lexi right now, it really is unfair

For most of the class I try to come up with a plan to make him hate me slightly less. I don't know what I've done but I want to fix it and show him I'm actually a nice person. Obviously we're really different but he's beautiful and super sweet so I want to try. I've got nothing better to do so I might as well go after the most beautiful boy I've seen in a long time.

He's not anything like my usual type of tall skinny slutty people who could be models but I like change. Pete might not be typically attractive but he's far from ugly and the more I look at him, the more I like. It might be kinda nice to be with a guy for the first time and have a proper relationship for once. Hook ups can be really fun but the idea of being Pete's boyfriend and taking care of him sounds better and better the more I think about it.

Maybe I'll invite him to hang out with us tomorrow so I can get to know him more and show him I'm not a stupid asshole. Lexi's ridiculously outgoing and friendly though so he might have already invited Pete to hang out with us. That'd be nice so I don't have to embarrass myself by asking but I'll still get to spend time with him.

When the bell finally goes I run out of class hoping to see Lexi and Pete. After hanging around the front of the school for a while I see Lexi and Pete walk out of the building and they start coming towards me.

Maybe I didn't think this through enough. I seem to have fucked up every time I've tried to talk to him and I don't want this to be the same. If I want to convince him I'm nice so he wants to be my friend or maybe even sleep with me, I can't fuck this up again.

"Hey Tricky" "Hey Lexi" "Are you glad to see the fabulousness that is me?" "You're not the one I want to see" "Fuck you, you've spent most of your life with me so you're never getting rid of me. If I want to see you then I'll be here, I don't give a shit if you'd rather see someone else"

I love Lexi a lot so I punch his shoulder then try to squirm away when he ruffles my hair. Pete's just watching us being weird so I lean my elbow on Lexi's shoulder and look down at the short boy.

"How was class Pete?" "It was ok, I suck at Spanish" "I doubt you could be any worse than Lexi, no ones worse than Lexi" "I think I am" "I'm impressed, you really are something special"

He blushes deeply and stares at his feet until Lexi pokes me again "Well I better go, want a ride home Tricky" "Nah I'm just gonna walk, I'll see you tomorrow dickhead"

Lexi leans in and gives me a sloppy kiss on my cheek then dodges me as I try to kick his ankle "Love you mother fucker, I'll see you and your ugly face tomorrow"

He heads off to his car so me and Pete are by ourselves as we watch the car pull out of the parking lot. For a moment we just stand there kinda awkwardly before I turn to him "Hey, I gotta get home now so I'll see you tomorrow?" For a while he just stares at the ground biting his lip before looking up at me and nodding "Y-yeah, see you". He turns and walks off down the road before I can say anything else so I watch him until I can't see him anymore.

I start walking home and spend the whole time thinking about how much better that went. He was far from getting on his knees for me or asking to be my friend but it was way better. He seemed ok talking to me and he smiled at me so I guess I'm growing on him.

When I get home I chuck my bag down, grab an apple from the bowl and head to my room. I pull out my laptop and flop onto my bed to do some stalking of this beautiful Pete Wentz.

Pete's POV

Although out Spanish Alex talks pretty much nonstop, literally this dude barely even took a second to breathe. He talked about his friends, then complained about class, then about his parents, then about how he sucks at Spanish. I didn't pay much attention to most of it but it was funny and he didn't expect me to talk too much.

When the bell finally goes I'm relieved but I still have to go home which is way worse than time with Alex. At least Alex seems to like me and he doesn't beat me, I can't say the same for my father.

I try to escape out the door, away from Alex's constant talking but he runs after me and puts his arm around me again. No ones done this to me before but he seems to do it easily so I relax into it and try to pay attention to what he's saying.

When we walk out of the door I see Patrick leaning against the wall of a building a few feet away from us. Unfortunately that's the way Alex drags me so I guess my avoiding Patrick plan isn't going so well. As nice as he seems I've been bullied and broken so many times i just can't take being hurt again. I've already developed feelings for him but I really don't wanna get crushed so I'll just avoid him until he gives up on me. He's probably straight anyway so I don't wanna ruin his kindness by telling him I'm gay or even worse, that I like him.

He's beautiful and probably has loads of girls after him so he'd never want me. I'm just a charity case for Patrick and Alex so they'll give up eventually. If I get attached then it'll crush me when they start bullying me too so I can't let that happen. I can't keep fantasising about being their friend or dating Patrick because it won't happen. When he finds out I'm a faggot I'll loose him so I just want to cling on for a little bit longer. For once I feel wanted and I don't want to ruin that by telling Patrick how I feel.

He looks up as we walk towards him with a small smile. For a while him and Alex just talk about something and I tune it out so I can admire Patrick. How is it possible to look cute and sexy at the same time? He really is perfect and even though I can't get attached, I can appreciate how attractive he is.

They eventually stop talking and Alex walks off so I'm left alone with Patrick. I just stand there awkwardly, biting my lip nervously until he turns to me and says "Hey I gotta get home so I'll see you tomorrow?" I honestly can't wait to see him again tomorrow but I can't exactly say that to him so I just stare at the ground. I can't exactly ignore him though so I eventually stutter out "Y-yeah, see you".

I turn around and hurry off down the road, going as fast as I can without actually full out running. I wish I could just act cool and show him that I am the kind of person he wants to be friends with. I'm not attractive or smart or funny or popular but I just want Patrick to like me. Everyone else in the world can hate me but I desperately want Patrick to think I'm cool.

I guess there's nothing I can do now except constantly go over the day in my head, hating myself for how lame I was. It's not a surprise that I'm a friendless loser because I have a nice guy wanting to talk to me and I fuck it up. Tomorrow I'm going to really try so Patrick doesn't start hating me like everyone else.

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