Chapter 10

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Patrick's POV

Pete seems to get more shaking and worried the closer we get to class so I try to wrap an arm around him but he pushes it off. Instantly I wonder what I did wrong and why he doesn't want me touching him. He seemed fine with it before but now he's pulling away from me and shutting down again.

I'm worried about him so I lean down to whisper in his ear "Are you ok Petey? What's wrong?" He looks up at me shyly from behind his hair which makes me want to just grab him and kiss every part of his perfect face. I don't think he'd appreciate me doing that so I restrain myself but I really want to do it. "I don't want people to think we're dating and call me a fag even more then they already do" "Babe who cares what they think? I don't need anyone else's approval of who I'm friends with".

He sighs "But they'll be mean to you to and I don't want them to bully you because you're with me. They probably will any way since your hanging out with me. You don't have to hang out with me by the way, I'll be fine by myself". Oh hell no. There's no way I'm going to leave him by himself for Michael to bully again. Plus I have an excuse to hang out with the hottest guy in school and hold his hand, he even slept in my bed with me last night. I never thought I'd get that lucky with him, especially after he ignored me for most of the week.

"No way" I say and wrap my arm back around his shoulders "I like you, you're a really awesome guy so I'm gonna hang out with you. Everyone else can go to hell if they have a problem with it". He sighs again but let's me put my arm around him and leans against me "Are you sure? What if they think we're dating?" "Well then they can think whatever they want. We're not dating so I don't see why they'd have a problem and even if we were dating it's none of their business" "But-" "No Petey, I don't care. If you don't have a problem with this other than what other people will think then I'm gonna hang out with you. I don't give a crap about other peoples problems".

When we get to the door of the class he still seems hesitant so I grab onto his hand "I don't care what they think about me, I've got great friends and now I have you as well so I don't need everyone else's approval". He looks up at me with his beautiful, innocent eyes and gives a small smile then starts to walk through the door pulling me with him.

For most of class he works on his coding so I sit there and stare at him because his concentration face is seriously sexy. I still don't understand any of the work but having the hottest person on earth sitting next to me probably doesn't help.

When the bell goes and he has to go off to class with Lexi I'm really hesitant to leave him. Being around him is really nice so I don't want to stop but I'm sure I'll see him after school and Lexi will look after him so it'll be fine.

Again I sit through most of German, tuning everything out until the bell goes then going to wait for them at the front of the school. When they come out Pete almost instantly runs off down the road.

Lexi sees me standing there watching him so he comes over "Is he ok?" "We had to read out paragraphs in class and he seemed to get really upset". I'm starting to think maybe he just doesn't like reading because he got upset in English when he had to read as well. Maybe he just doesn't like talking in front of people.

As I say bye to Lexi then walk off down the road thinking about what I should do with Pete. Tomorrow I need to just talk to him because I'm really worried about him. Pete probably has anxiety which is why he struggles with talking to people and why he cares so much what people think. I'll ask him tomorrow and hopefully he'll trust me enough to tell me whatever's wrong.

I also want to ask if he's gay or not because I'm pretty sure he is but I want to ask. If he tells me he is then I can tell him I'm bi and maybe I'll be able to ask him out. Pete seems to like me a lot so I hope he likes me in a boyfriend way as well as a friend way. I guess I can always ask and if he turns me down we can keep being friends then I'll go out and have a lot of sex to cheer myself up.

Pete's POV

As soon as the Spanish teacher tells me to read the sentence I know I'm doomed. I can barely read in English, as everyone found out in English, and now I have to read in Spanish. I've only been in this class for like 2 weeks and now they're expecting me to be able to speak all this complicated crap.

I'm trying as hard as I can but my mouth just refuses to open and even try to pronounce any of this. Alex seems to realise that I just can't do this so he tries to do it and mucks it up so much and makes everyone laugh. Now luckily no ones paying attention to me anymore so I can just hide in the background for the rest of class.

The second the bell goes I run out as quick as I can and even if I can't get rid of Alex yet I don't care. When we walk out of school I see Patrick waiting outside school. I want to run over to him, hug him tight and tell him everything so he can make it better but I know he doesn't care. He's already been so nice and he doesn't need to be worried about me so I ignore him as I start my walk home.

The second I get home I know I should have waited for a while. My dads sitting in the living room drinking beer and looks up when I walk in making me freeze. "Hey faggot" He yells at me when I try to walk back out "Don't ignore me". I sigh and turn around slowly to see what he wants. "Where were you last night? I know you didn't come home" "I-I was at... at a friends" "Friends? What friends? A fag like you doesn't have friends, don't fucking lie to me, where were you?"

I try to run away but he grabs onto my arm and slams me against the wall roughly "You were out with another disgusting fag, getting fucked up the ass were you?" He slams his elbow into my stomach making me double over them he pushes me onto the floor and kicks me in the ribs. He does it until I'm practically passed out then gives me one last kick before going back to drinking himself to death.

The last thing I think before I black out is that I should have gone over to Patrick and hugged him. This morning was so nice, waking up next to Patrick, him calling me beautiful, him taking care of me while I was sick. It was so nice to spend lunch with him and feel wanted but I know I don't deserve to have nice things. Tomorrow all I'll wake up with is pain.

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