Chapter 9: Talk with Mick

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I changed myself into my pyjama and walked out of the bathroom while trying my hair in a bun. I threw my dirty clothes on my bag and made a mental note saying that I should do laundry tomorrow. I closed the lights and walked downstairs. I stepped in the kitchen and Mick wasn't there but a note was left on the counter. I took it in my hand and read it.

"Come and see me outside. I have coffee ready, Mick." I smiled to myself and walked out of the kitchen to go on the backyard. I opened the back door and saw Mick sat on a chair close to a table on the patio. I sat down beside him and he looked at me before handing me a cup of coffee.

"You wouldn't believe what Nikki just did!" I said few seconds later. Mick, who looked away few seconds ago, spat the sip of coffee he drank and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What did the fucking drunk asshole did to you?" He asked still looking at me.

" Well he wanted to fuck me but I escaped before he could touch me. Don't ask me how he got in my room, I don't know a thing, he simply said that he crawled in my bed after Vince put him in his bed." I replied taking a sip of coffee. Mick put down his cup and punched the table with his hand.

"The fucking asshole! Said Mick with an angry voice. Nikki can do bad things when he's drunk but I didn't expect him to do that to you plus with the day you just past."

"I thought about the same thing. Tomorrow morning he'll ask himself what he is doing in my room and when I'll tell him what he did, he'll freak out and wouldn't believe that he did such an horrible thing." I signed. Mick nodded.

" Let's change the subject! Said Mick clapping his hands. Talk to me about how you feel, since we know you, I feel like you are a bit distant and you have a lot on your mind."

"Oh. This is a subject we can talk about for hours and I don't think you want to listen to me telling all my problems." I said looking around the backyard. There was a pool, a patio and few trees. It wasn't the cleanest backyard ever but it was a nice place, not too big or too small.

"Well, we can talk about this a little and change the subject after." Said Mick taking his cup.

"Okay... You know I have a lot on my mind 'cause I always thing about Steve and when I think of his it reminds me my past and I'm always thinking about that like I can't get it out of my mind. Also I think about what if I hadn't move here and everything I do reminds me of the boys. Like when we went to drink at the Whiskey the other day, it reminded me of when I would go take a drink with them after work." I explained. Mick looked at me the whole time I was speaking and he looked interested in what I said.

"I wish I could get all those things out of your mind. If I can do something to cheer you up or make you forget about all this stuff for at least one day tell me what to do." Said Mick smiling at me. I smiled back at him.

"I appreciate it Mick. I'll think about it and if I have an idea I'll tell you later." I said taking another sip of coffee.

"How many times did you think about going back to Sheffield? Do you think that you will be gone if the fuckup bitch wouldn't have stole you money?" Asked Mick.

"Oh Mick! I'm thinking about moving back to Sheffield since the first day I past in L.A and yes I think I'll already be gone but if I would have been gone by that time, I wouldn't have met you guys!" I said pointing at him. He smiled a little and I kept smiling like an idiot.

" You know they said things happen for a reason and I think that there is a reason why you didn't move back to Sheffield earlier like if it wasn't the good time to go home and you still had something to do in L.A" Explained Mick. I was surprised by what he said, I never thought about this theory before.

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