Chapter 14: Finding A New Guitarist

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Somewhere in America,1981

Steve's point of view

I was so happy that Pete was no longer in the band, I felt like all the pressure caused by him was gone from my shoulders. But there was still a problem to solve, we needed to find a new guitarist. I was in my hotel room all alone playing with my acoustic guitar. Few seconds later, someone opened the door without even knocking.

"Steve my friend what are you doing here all alone? We have to go downstairs, Peter said that someone from London was coming today to audition to be our new guitarist." Said Joe full of energy. I looked at him and put down my guitar. I got up from my seat and walked out of the room with Joe  behind me. He closed the door and we met Sav and Rick in front of the elevator.

"Ready lads, maybe this dude will be our new guitarist." Said Joe as the elevator's door opened. We stepped in the elevator and until we arrived at the ground floor it was dead silence. We stepped outside the elevator and walked in the lobby. Peter was standing in the middle of the room talking with someone. As I walked closer to them, I was trying to figure out if the person in front of Peter was a girl or a boy. The person that stood in front of Peter was short with blonde hair and a lot of make-up. It looked like a guy but I wasn't sure because of the make-up. But his face was familiar, I didn't know where I saw this dude. I was trying to figure out where  I saw him when someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Steve mate, come back with us. This is Phil Collen and he's the one that will audition to be our new guitarist." Said Joe getting me out of my thoughts. I looked at the guy and he was smiling t me while he put his hand up. I shook his hand and smiled a little.

"I'm Steve Clark, guitarist of Def Leppard." I said removing my hand from his. The guys introduce themselves and after that Peter  said to us that we had to go at a studio for Phil's audition. But that still didn't tell me where I saw this dude. We walked out of the hotel and in the limo. It was a little awkward in the limo, nobody was talking except for Peter who was talking on the phone. I looked at Phil who was playing nervously with his fingers.

"Hey Phil, I started and he stopped what he was doing to look at me. I feel like I already saw you somewhere. Can you tell me where?" I finished and Joe looked at me.

"Yeah I feel like I already saw you somewhere!" Said Joe pointing at Phil.

"Well, I-I was in a band called Girl so you might have seen one of our show... Started Phil. Wait! I think that Joe and Steve played with us once or twice."  Exclaimed Phil as we arrived at the studio. Yes, I remember hearing this guy playing and I said to Joe that he was a good guitarist. We got out of the car and walked in the studio. Rick sat behind the drum kit and and started to play to adjust it while Phil and I picked up guitar. Phil started to play and I was more impressed that the first that I saw him play. He is so good, it's sure that the boys will take him in the band, I thought.

"So Phil, do you know how to play any of our songs?" Asked Sav. Phil shook his head in negation and looked down for a bit.

" I can play you some songs that I usually play with Girl like Hollywood tease and My Number." He said looking up. We all nodded thinking that it was a good idea and  Phil started to play the guitar part of both songs. As Phil played guitar, I realized that I was nothing beside him. He played like a God, he had the technic and everything and I had nothing. I was lost in my thoughts but got out of them quickly when I heard:

"Can you learn  17 songs in 3 days?" Asked Joe to Phil while tapping on his shoulder. Everybody was smiling at Phil and hugging him for welcoming him in the band.  I stood there thinking that I'll be gone in few days because I wasn't as good as Phil was. When I was able to move, I spent the strap of my guitar over my head and I dropped it on the floor to go outside. When I was outside, I lighted up a cigarette and thought about the worse, this was the end for me in Def Leppard and I wouldn't be able to see Sherrie again, everything collapses around me . Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around to see Phil.

"Did I so something wrong back there?" He asked as I blew some smoke.

"Leave it mate, it's nothing." I answered as Phil walked closer to me.

"You sure about that?" He asked again.

"Look, you play like a God, you have the technic and everything it takes to be a freaking good guitarist." I answered taking a puff of cigarette.

"Technic my ass, if I could play the kind of solo you do with the heart I'll be a freaking good guitarist. Look Steve, we have two different styles and I think that if we combine them Def Leppard's music will be freaking better than ever!" Said Phil. Maybe he was right after all we could work together.

" Do you think that we could really play together?" I asked as a small smile grew on my lips.

"We'll see with the time." Answered Phil  as I threw my cigarette away. We walked back inside the studio. When we stepped inside, I saw Sav fixing the guitar that I dropped earlier.

"Okay so Phil you're in?" Asked Joe as I walked close to Sav.

"Yes I am, I'll need a little time to learn all the guitar parts and lyrics and to get the stuff that I need for the tour.  Also I'll need Steve's help too and a lot." Said Phil and everybody started to laugh. I turned to face Sav.

" Thanks for fixing my guitar. Appreciate it!" I said to him and he smiled.

" that's nothing Steve but can I at least know why you went away like this." He said taking a cigarette before handing me one. I took it and thanked him before we both lighted it.

"well, it's kind of stupid and and I don't really want to talk about it right now. We could go outside if you really want to know." I said as he blew some smoke. Sav nodded and we walked out of the studio and the guys specifically Phil were looking at us with weird looks. When we were outside, Sav looked at me with a look that said speak right now.

"Well, when I first heard Phil played, I knew that  he would be perfect but beside him I was nothing 'cause he has technic and I had nothing like this." I said looking down. Sav put his hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon mate! Did you really think that we'll kick you out of the band for this thing? I think that Phil probably already told you this but you guys both have different styles and together it will be awesome. Plus you are an amazing guitarist too, remember when I first heard you play, I looked at you mouth full open and eyes wide, I couldn't believe that someone could play like this." Said Sav as I look up at him. I didn't know what to answer, Sav and Phil were both right when they told me this. I was stupid to think about such things like this.

"Let's go  back inside now, we have to help Phil learning the guitar and the lyrics parts of our songs." Said Sav throwing his cigarette away and I did the same. We walked back inside and the guys were looking at us with weird looks.

"Steve needed to tell me something in private okay? Nothing weird happened between us." Said Sav picking up his bass. I picked up mu guitar and Phil sat down next to me waiting for me to play a song. Sav sat at the other side of the room. Joe took a microphone and Rick sat behind the drums.

"Joe, do you think that you could play some of Pete's part and I'll play mine?" I ask as Joe turned around when he heard his name. He nodded and Peter gave him a guitar.

"We'll start with Bringin' On The Heartbreak and Switch 625 if it's okay with everybody." Said Joe, we all nodded and I said to Phil that he should go watch Joe instead of me. Phil got up and took a seat next to Joe and we all started to play with Phil watching us. We played for all day long and Phil made progress, he learned about a song and a half. We had 3 more days to show him the songs. Our next concert was in exactly 3 days. Finally after this day, I realized that our new guitarist was a sweet guy who wears way too much make-up but with time he'll use less and less.

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