Chapter 24: For Real?

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Sherrie's point of view

I looked at the white clock that was on the wall and it said 5:30. I needed to go back home to prepare myself for my date with Steve.

"Guys, can I take the car for the night? I'm going out with Steve, I need to discuss about few things with him." I explained and they all looked at me.

"If you want but as long as you come back to get us." Said Tommy and I nodded. Vince gave me the keys and said to me to be careful and not to drive too fast, I laughed and said that I wouldn't. I looked at Nikki right before I left and turned around to hug him one last time before I left.

"It will be okay Nikki. Don't forget me when I'll be gone." I said hugging him. We let go of each other even if we both didn't want to. I stepped out of Nikki's hospital room and few tears escaped from my eyes as I walked outside the hospital. I then stepped in the blue Mercedes and wiped the tears with the back of my hand. I started the car and drove home, for one of the last time. It will be so hard to leave this place and this lifestyle that gave me a second chance to live a better life that the one I lived before. I arrived home, if I can still call it that way, and walked inside. I looked around, trying to remember everything that was here. I took a shower and got dressed with a pair of black skinny jeans, a normal T-shirt and the scarf that Steve gave me tied around my neck. I looked in the mirror  that was in the hallway between mine and Nikki's room then right behind me was a small velvet boxe that I never saw before. It was on the floor right in front of Nikki's room. I picked it up and opened  the small all boxe to reveal earrings.

"Wow, there's beautiful." I said to myself. Did Nikki bought them for me ? I asked myself. I didn't know but I hoped he didn't because I'll feel like a bitch to refuse them. I walked in his room and put them on the bedside table. I stepped out of his room them walked downstairs. In the back of my mind, I knew that whoever I choose, someone will end up hurt. I sighed and the words from Nikki came back in my mind . I stepped out of the house then in the car. I drove as slow as possible, I didn't want to go there because I didn't know how I'll say it to Steve. I arrived at the hotel where Def Leppard was staying and stepped out of the car. I went inside to find my lover, I walked close to a bar and found him there talking with Phil. He looked handsome, he was wearing a white blouse that was half-buttoned and white jeans. I made my way close to them and when he saw me, a big smile appeared on his face .

"Hey guys, are you ready to go Steve?" I asked and Steve nodded. we waved at Phil and made our way out of the hotel. I entered in the car and asked Steve where he wanted to go and he replied that I could choose the bar.

"Okay, I'll take you to a bar on the Sunset named Rainbow Bar and Grill, maybe it will be less full and noisy that the Whiskey." I explained and he nodded. I drove to the bar and arrived at the bar, I was surprised to see that the wasn't a lot of people. We entered in the building and found a table that was far from the people.

"Come on there's a table right there." I said pointing  at the table. We walked to the table and sat down in front of each other.

"So you want to take a drink right now?" I asked and he nodded. I decided to go search the drinks, it was a strategy so I could think about how I'll tell Steve. I made my way to the bar  and ordered a beer and a Corona. I leaned on the bar and waited for the drinks while thinking about how to speak to Steve about my decision. When the barman gave me the drinks few seconds later, I paid them and picked them up to go back at the table. As I walked, I figured a way to tell Steve: let things go and wait for the good moment. I put the beers down and sat down in front of Steve before he thanked me.

"So, you wanted to speak with me about few things?" He asked as I took a sip of beer.

" Yeah but not right now, I want to talk about us. I proposed and he nodded. Are we still together? " I asked as he took a sip of beer and swallowed it with difficulty.

"Yeah we are darling. I never stopped loving you, you can ask the guys, at some points they were sick of hearing me speak about you. I know it was kind of rude not to talk to you but I didn't because I knew that I'll miss you more that I already did. Also, I asked Sav to give me news of you each time he talked to you." He explained and he put his hand of mine.

"You know, I understand why you did this because I did the same. I asked Sav how you were feeling each time I talked on the phone with him but I was so scared to talk to you, so scared that it would have made me regret my choice even more." I explained and he nodded.

"Why did you regret coming in L.A.?" He asked after taking a sip of his drink.

"I wasn't happy here but it changed when I met the Crue. Also I missed you so much. I wanted to come back in Sheffield but I didn't know if you were still interested in me and my old roommate stole a lot of my money." I explained and he nodded. I missed those talks with him, he was always there to listen to me and to give me some advices.

"you know Sherrie, I never stopped loving you, I dreamed so many times about you coming back. Also, I had  nightmares about your father trying to kill you. I think that I was getting a bit paranoid about you but I didn't want to loose you." Said Steve looking down couple times. I sighed and squeezed his hand a little harder. I knew that it was the good time to say it, I was ready.

" Listen Steve, this is actually the reason I wanted to talk to you about but baby you won't have any of those dreams about me coming back of nightmares about my father trying to kill me because I'll be there with you. It was the hardest decision I took but I finally decided to go with my true love that never forgot about me  but I want to stay in contact with Nikki and the Crue, they're the one that gave me another chance to live and I own them so much things and I don't want to do the same mistakes that I did with you guys this time." I explained and a huge smile grew on Steve's lips.

"For real babe? You're really coming with me?" He asked with an excited tone of voice. I smiled and nodded couple times.

"We have to tell it to the boys and celebrate it's a freaking good new. Can we go back to the hotel to tell it to the guys and to take a drink with them? " He said getting up from his seat. I did the same and we made our way out of the bar then we walked close to the car. We stepped in the car and I drove to the hotel with a Steve that couldn't stay in his seat beside me. Each time  I looked at him, he had a huge smile on his face and I thought about Nikki's sad face and it broke my heart so much to see that the man I loved was happy and the one that took  care of me wasn't happy. Arrived at the hotel, Steve ran to Joe and Sav's room and I followed him. He didn't even knocked on the door before he entered, he left the door open and I stepped in the room.

"Guys! I have a fucking good new to tell you!!" Said Steve and they all looked up from the card game they were playing at.

"What?" simply asked Joe.

"We're gonna have to make some space in the tour bus for one more person!" He said and it took few seconds to the band to realise that I was the person. They all stood up from their seat and cheered with Steve while I looked at the happy scene with a big smile on my face. I didn't let myself think about Nikki, I knew he was hurt but I made my choice to go back with my true love even if he said that he loved me.

"Come and give me hug would ya!" Said Sav pulling me closer to him taking me out of my thoughts at the same time.

"I'm so happy you are coming with us." He whispered in my ear and pulled away right after. I looked at him and smiled before I said to him that it wasn't an easy decision to take but I was happy of my choice. Few minutes later, Steve proposed to go at the bar down in the hotel to take some drinks to celebrate the new. Before I knew it, I was half drunk hooked to Steve as if my life depended on it.

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