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   It's been over a month now and he still hasn't shown any sign of recovery.

  I'm sitting in the chair next to his bed. I've never left his side, and I don't plan on ever doing so.

    I stare at his lifeless face. I put my hand on his cheek slowly caressing it with my thumb.

    A faint smile comes to my face as memories of me and him come into my head.

   There was this one time when it was snowing outside and I managed to trap him in a snowman and would stop complaining on how he was so cold he went back to the underworld and dragged me with him just so wouldn't be lonely.

   But my favorite one is after the blood moon ball. He came over to apologize to me for what happened. We ended up talking for hours and hours. That one's my favorite because that's when we first started hanging out and we became really close after that day.

    I hadn't realized I had tears running down my face until I felt something drop into my hand.

   I pull my hand away from his face. I look at the clock and see it was 1:30 in the morning. I should be heading to sleep.

   I look back at him. "Hope you're having sweet dreams. I love you my prince." I say as I kiss his forehead.

   I go back to the chair and slowly drift off. I hope he survives this.

Hey guys hope u enjoyed this small little update ^w^
Ps: Who else is pumped for Season 2 for SvtfoE? I sure as hell am. Give me what u want more in Season 2. I just want more Tom and more Tomco ^w^
Pps: Anyone else sad/excited/nervous for the last ep of Gravity Falls? I honestly think I might cry. Let me know if you'll cry and what r ur thought in the comments below. Bai now >w<

I Won't Leave Your Side Ever {Tomco}Where stories live. Discover now