Happy Ending: I Love You Too Much

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A/n: Heyo! Well what do you kno? Im not dead! I am terribly sorry for not updating this in SOOOOOOOO long, can chu ever forgive me? Welp here's the happy ending y'all been wating for =3

+Marco's POV+
My eyes flutter open from my little nap. I cross my arms on the edge of the bed and rest my head on them. I start to sing a tune quietly while looking at Tom's peaceful face.

"Lets go in the garden.
You'll find something waiting.
Right there where you left it,
Lying upside down

When you finally find it.
You'll see how it's faded.
The underside is lighter,
When you turn it around.

Everything stays,
Right where you left it.
Everything stays,
But it still changes.

Ever so slightly,
Daily and nightly.
In little ways,
When everything stays."

  (Yus I put Everything Stays from Adventure Time cuz I can. X3)

When I finish the tune, it's like magic or something because the next thing I know is Tom's eyes flutter open.

My eyes go wide as I shoot upwards. My heart beats a million miles per second.

Is this real? Is he really awake from his coma?!

But my happiness soon ends when I hear the words that came out his mouth.

"Who are you?"

-Time Skip brougbt to you hy the many songs that will be in this chapter-

The doctors say it's amnesia, and it probably is, but then how can he remember Star?

It's been at least three weeks since he was released from the Hospital and is currently on our couch probably watching tv or something.

How the hell does he remember Star but not me?

  I walk over the the nightstand and pick up the frame with the picture of Tom and I when we took our little trip a little over a year ago. I smile slightly as I rummage through all of our pictures I pull out from the drawer.

  'I love you too much,
To live without you loving me back.
I love you too much,
Heaven's my weakness,
And this is a fact.

I know I belong,
When I sing this song.
There's love above love,
And it's ours if you love me,
As much'

(I love Book of Life sooo much °^°)

  I sigh as I finish the tune. I put all the pictures away, all except one. I lay back onto the bed and stare at the picture.

  +Tom's POV+
(Bet chu weren't expecting this now were you?? >w<)

  I was walking out of the bathroom when I heard singing. I decided to take a peek inside the room, luckily Marco didn't notice me.

  I saw that he was staring at pics of us.

I remember when these were taken.

  I smile. I walk back into the living room and plop on the couch.

  I got my memories back a week ago but I decided to keep the act up just to mess with him.

Don't get me wrong, I know he's been through a lot, waiting for me to wake up for months, but I just want him to wait just a little bit longer.

I put on a small smirk as I lay on my side and slowly dose off.

-Time Skip brought to you by my lack of updates-

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