Not an Update

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   Hey guys sorry I haven't updated this story in a while but I'm kinda running out of ways/ideas to of the way this story is going to go. Don't worry I'm not cancelling it, I just need to know how to end it.

    If u want me to end it with Tom just dying, Tom dying from his coma and then Marco committing suicide, or having Tom wake up and both being happy with each other.

   Note that if u wang the happy ending, then it might take me awhile to finish it cuz I still need to figure out how it's going to go. xD

   But if u want any of the sadder endings, then I'll probably have the book end sometime soon.

   Just let me know what u guys want and the majority of whichever will happen.

    Happy Valentines Day and have a good weekend ^w^ Bai Bai now

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