Chapter 11: Family Night

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Olivia woke up the next morning from the best nights sleep she has had for three weeks. She was up against Elliot's body, his arm wrapped around her waist his hand splayed on her stomach. She couldn't help but smile. She turned in his arms and let kisses from his neck to his chin.

"Mmm baby too early go back to sleep." He mumbled and pulled her naked body closer. "El baby, it's 6. We have to get the kids up." "I know babe. Speaking of kids the rest of them are coming tonight for dinner and movie night." Olivia smiled "That sounds perfect. I miss them." "Oh I miss them too baby." She smiled and gave him a peck on the lips and walked to Ella's room.

Olivia pulled her hair back behind her ear "Pumpkin wake up." Ella's eyes opened showing her ocean blue eyes. "Mama." The little smiled huge and lunged forward into her mom. Olivia fell back into the ground and laughed.

"Someone's happy!" "Yeah yeah! I happy!" "Why are you happy baby?" "I happy because you happy!" Olivia smiled "Your so sweet baby, guess what." "What mama." "Momo, Katie, Lizzie, and Dickie are coming over!" The little squealed with delight. "Yay! Momo bring her Leah??" "Yeah baby she'll bring Leah." Ella squealed with delight. "Okay baby, get dressed." "Okay mama." She kissed Olivia on the cheek and ran to her closet.

Olivia got up and went to the kitchen. She started making the kids lunch when she felt arms wrap around her waist "Hey baby." Elliot whispered in her ear and kissed her neck. "Mmm El, I..fuck...have to make the lunches." Elliot kept kissing her neck. Olivia knew what he was doing. He was making her his. "Baby make sure no one can see it. I don't need Munch and stuff teasing me for having a hickey." "Can't make any promises." Elliot kept nibbling at her neck.

Olivia smiled and kept making the lunches. They heard footsteps and pulled apart. The two kids came in. They grabbed their lunch and walked towards the door. Olivia cleared her throat to get their attention. "Excuse me kids but you are forgetting something." She tapped her cheek.

Eli rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek "Bye mom." "Bye honey." She smiled. Ella ran over and kissed her cheek and hugged her "Bye bye mama." "Bye pumpkin. Be good today." Olivia rubbed their noses together and tapped her little nose. Ella giggled and the kids walked out to the bus. Olivia watched them get onto the bus. She smiled and put one hand on her stomach.

"Soon enough that'll be you baby." She whispered to her stomach. She and Elliot got ready and went to work. Now that they made up they could barely keep their hands to themselves. Elliot would kiss her whenever he could. "Baby." She giggled as he nibbled her ear while they walked to the squad room.

He laughed "You know we have a few minutes before people start actually coming in." He waggled his eyebrows. She laughed "Well Captain. If it's a direct order then I can't say no." She whispered seductively. "Oh it's a direct order." He pulled her into his office locking the door.

Olivia came out an hour later, she fixed herself up and sat down. She grinned to herself and started working. The rest of the day was filled with paperwork, Olivia couldn't wait to get out of their and go home to her kids. They had always made it a tradition for all the kids to come over at least once every two weeks for a family dinner, games, and movie night.

It was one of the best days each month. They'd make memories. Maureen would bring her husband Matthew and their two year old Leah. Kathleen would bring her boyfriend Andrew. The twins would come back from college and they'd all sit around talking and having a good time. "Everyone go home." Elliot said from the doorway of his office.

Olivia got up and grabbed her purse and jacket. "Ready to tell everyone tonight?" "Yeah babe." She smiled. They left and drove home.

They walked in "Kids! We're home!" Ella ran out "Mama!" "Hey cutie, how was school today?" "It was good mama." Olivia picked her up "That's good." She kissed her head "Mommy has to go make dinner, play with daddy." "Okay daddy we play tea party!" "Sounds fun baby. Let's go." Elliot put her on his shoulders and carried her to her room.

Olivia smiled and started making dinner. "El! Babe I need you to make the steaks later!" She yelled. "Got it baby!" He yelled back to her. She made mashed potatoes, peas, salad, and made strawberry cheesecake. She set the table up and went to her room. She changed into leggings and a blue sweater. "El! Are you making the steaks!" She yelled "Yes honey!" "Good!" She laughed to herself and walked to the living room.

"Kids down here!" They ran down "Sit down everyone should be here soon." They sat down. Elliot came in with the steaks, he put them down and the doorbell rang. Elliot opened it. "Grwanpa!" Leah yelled and jumped on him. "Oof there's my grand baby." She giggled "I not a baby!" Elliot laughed "That's right you're a big girl." "Yeah! Where Auntie Ella?? "In the living room." Leah jumped off him and ran to Ella.

She stopped when she saw Olivia. "Grwanma!" "Hi sweet pea!" Olivia bent down and hugged her "I've missed you cutie." "Me miss you too grwanma." Leah kissed her cheek and ran to Ella. Maureen walked in "Mom!" Olivia stood up and smiled "Hi sweetie." Maureen hugged her "Hi." Maureen kissed her cheek "It smells good." "Well I hoped it would." She laughed.

"Go take a seat. Everyone should start coming soon." Maureen sat down and watched Leah and Ella. Next the twins came. Lizzie ran to Olivia "Mom guess what!" Olivia smiled "What sweetheart?" "You know Chris?" "Your crush?" "Yeah, wellllllll he asked me out!" She squealed. Olivia laughed "That's amazing baby! When's the date?" "Next I was wondering if you could help me get ready." "Sure baby, I'd love to." Olivia kissed her head.

Dickie walked in "Party's here." He announced. "I don't see Casey or Munch." Olivia joked. "Oh haha funny mom." He kissed her cheek. She smiled "I was kidding, i'm glad the party is here. It wouldn't be a party without you." He smiled and went to the couch. Olivia stood there and looked at her family.

She smiled, this was what she had always wanted. A room full of kids, a family.

Elliot walked over to his wife and put his arms around her waist "I know baby. This is everything you ever wanted." "It is. How'd you know I was thinking about that?" "Because I know you baby." He kissed her cheek "Get everyone into the dining room I hear Kathleen and Andrew." Olivia nodded "Time to eat!" They all got up, and walked to the table sitting down and making small conversation.

Kathleen walked in "Sorry about being late!" "It's okay Sweetheart. You aren't that late, go take a seat." Olivia said and hugged the girl. "Thanks mom, you look different. Get a haircut?" "No, not exactly." "Oh....did you do something else?" "I guess you could say that. Go sit." Kathleen nodded and took her seat next to Lizzie.

Elliot looked at Olivia. "Finally time to eat." He patted his stomach. She laughed and they turned to walk to the table when they heard a knock. "Are you expecting anyone else?" She shook her head no. Elliot furrowed his brows and grabbed his gun from the safe. He opened the door.

"Kathy." He whispered.

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