Chapter 12: Unpleasent Visit

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"Kathy." He whispered.

Kathy smiled "Elliot, hi." She hugged him. "I've missed you." She whispered. He hugged her "Me too." Olivia noticed and felt a pang of jealousy. "Kathy...what a nice surprise what are you doing here?" "Um..well I was in California. I wanted to get my life a little bit together before coming back." "Oh. So your back for good?" "Yeah." Kathy smiled.

"Where's Eli?" the blonde asked and looked around the house. "Eli, come here please!" Olivia yelled. He ran in "What mom?" He asked Olivia. "Um..Eli honey your mom is here." Eli looked at her confused and then turned to Kathy. "Hi." Kathy went to hug him. He hugged her "I've missed you mom." He kissed her cheek.

Olivia clenched her right fist. The rest of the kids came out and hugged Kathy. Ella stayed by her mom. "Mama?" "Yeah pumpkin?" Olivia cleared her throat to get rid of the tears. "Who that lady?" "She's your brother and sisters mommy." "Oh. So you only my mommy?" "Yeah baby." Ella hugged her "Okay. You only my mama." Ella rubbed their noses together and hugged her.

Olivia smiled "How about we go lay in your bed and watch some princess movies?" "Okay mama!" She smiled. Olivia carried her to the princess themed room and turned the tv on. She turned on Aladdin "Stay here, i'm gonna go get us some dinner." "Okay mama." She said her eyes glued to the TV.

Olivia walked out past the living room where everyone else. They were all surrounded around Kathy and Elliot. The two were sitting too close for Olivia's liking. Olivia moved her gaze away from them and went to get a plate of food for her and Ella. She grabbed a plate putting everything on it and walked back to the room. She shut the door and locked it to keep them from ruining Ella and hers night.

Olivia sat on the bed next to her daughter. Olivia sat there thinking about how this was going to play out. Was this how it was going to be from now on? Their family out having fun while she sat in her daughters room watching movies and eating? Olivia shook her head. "Open up baby." She whispered.

The little brunette obeyed and opened her mouth for her mom to feed her. Olivia fed her. "Baby, how would you like to go to Grandpa's house?" "Yay! I want go to grandpa's house!" "Okay baby, let's go." Olivia picked her up and got her into her boots and jacket. Olivia put her jacket on and shoes. She walked out quietly to not draw attention to them.

Olivia drove to Cragen's house. She had one hand on the wheel the other one on her stomach. "I'm sorry we couldn't tell your brothers and sisters about you today." She whispered to her unborn child and kept driving. She finally arrived at his house and got Ella out. Olivia knocked and Elizabeth Donnelly opened it. Her and Cragen had been dating for a year.

She had fit right into the family and was who the kids called grandma. "Grandma!" Ella squealed and threw her arms around Liz. "Hi munchkin! Hi Liv!" Olivia waved. "I hope you don't mind us coming I-I just wanted to get out of the house tonight." "Oh don't be silly we love when you come over!" Olivia smiled. Cragen came down the stairs "Hey Liv! Hi cutie!" He picked up Ella and held her up high.

She giggled "Grandpa!" He smiled. Olivia smiled "Hi dad." She started calling him dad ever since the day he walked her down the aisle. It never felt wrong to her and he loved it. He smiled and hugged her "What are you doing here?" "Um...well could we just maybe sleep here?" "Of course, but why?" "No reason...just want to hang out with you guys." "Oh well we have the guest room open for you anytime." "Thank you." Olivia reached up and kissed his cheek.

He smiled "Are you hungry?" "No i'm a little tired though. I might take a nap. Ella be goo for grandma and grandpa. Then when you're sleepy come to bed." "Okay mama" Ella kissed her cheek and went to Liz. Olivia smiled and went upstairs. She laid down and dozed off.

She woke up to the ringing of her phone. She picked it up "Hello?" Her voice full of sleep. "Liv! Where are you." Elliot said. "I'm fine Elliot. Ella and I will be home in the morning." She hung up and went back to sleep. She felt a little body curl up into her.

Olivia opened one eye and saw her daughter curled into her side. Olivia smiled and held her close. She drifted back off to sleep. The next morning Olivia had woken up to the smell of pancakes. She sat up and noticed Ella wasn't in bed. Olivia got up and made her way downstairs. She heard laughing from the kitchen.

She peered in and saw Ella with Cragen. They were making pancakes and dancing. Olivia smiled and walked in "Morning dad." She kissed his cheek and grabbed Ella. "Morning pumpkin." she whispered in Ella's ear. "Morning mama." Ella rubbed their noses together. "Morning sweetheart." Cragen kissed her head and kept making pancakes.

Olivia sat with Ella at the table "Hey baby wanna help me with something?" "Yeah mama!" "Okay here's the plan." Olivia whispered in the little girls ear. Ella nodded and ran to Cragen. "Grandpa can I bring pancakes home?! I need 5 pancakes one for each of us at home!" "Sure sweet pea...wait 5? Sweetie you only have 4 people at home." "Noooooo." Ella giggled. Cragen looked at her confused and then looked at Olivia.

"What is she talking about?" "'re gonna be a grandpa again." Olivia smiled brightly. Cragen's mouth dropped "You're serious!?" He asked excitedly. "Yes!" Olivia smiled. "WHOOOO!" He threw his hands up and cheered. Liz came in "Don honey you are being so loud." She laughed. Cragen picked her up "Ahh Don!" She yelled.

He laughed "We're getting another grandbaby!!" "Really!! Oh my! I can't believe it!" She smiled. Olivia smiled at their excitement. "Guys I think I should be getting home." "No not yet, eat some. For our grandbaby." Cragen said. Olivia smiled "Okay. But only because the baby wants some pancakes." She laughed. They all say down making conversation and eating.

It was 11 when Olivia decided to go home. "Bye dad. See you on Monday. Bye Liz!" "Bye!" They said at the same time. Olivia laughed and got Ella strapped into her car seat. She got into the drivers side and started driving. She had her arm around her stomach and drove listening to Ella sing when she felt another car crash into her.

Everything went black.

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