Chapter Twelve

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"Where were you?" asks Shitika as soon as I enter our shared room.

"Shh...Calm down!" I say, as I make my way to my bed. Shitika and I have side-by-side beds. And for this trip that we have come, we are what everyone calls BSPs--Bed Side Partners.

"I calm down?" she whispers and I realize how everyone is already sleeping. Well, I should have expected that, judging from the fact that it is one a.m. already.

"Shitika, please, calm down, buddy."

"How on earth do you expect me to calm down, damn it! Where were you?"

"Oh damn, you won't believe it even if I tell you. It was just so freaking awesome."

"Yeah right! So Miss Shereen Hassan goes out for the night, leaving all her friends in tension. Never even bothering to call. And on top of that, even creating troubles for them," she sighs dramatically. "What the hell do I say to you?" she raises her hands in exasperation.

"Uhm, good shot buddy?" I smirk.

She stares at me as if I just said that I killed JB. Her favorite, of course.

"Okay fine, shoot what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? You don't really have a right to ask me what's wrong when you have been gone doing your awesome things, which were God only knows what and leaving all of us in trouble, you get it?"

"Damn Shitika, why are you being so rude? C'mon, ease up buddy."

"Easy for you to say that, isn't it? 'Ease up, buddy.' After all, you weren't the one who had to go through so much trouble."

"Will you stop saying such dramatic lines and tell me what exactly happened?" Now I can bet that if anyone looked at me then they could clearly see the lines of frustration marked on my forehead. I mean, I had one of the best nights of my life and she is ruining it all, with this behavior of hers. Oh, I so hate her!

"No, you tell me where exactly were you?"

"Fine," I say, giving up in exasperation.

"What fine?" she asks, obviously not sensing my tiredness.

"I was with Parichay."

"Who Parichay? Oh that Parichay, who sort of "saved" your life today?" she said, highlighting the double quotes with her fingers.

What is wrong with her?

"Yeah, well, the same guy and ooh, he saved me once again."

"What do you mean by saved you once again?" She raises one of her eyebrows.

"Oh, you won't believe it. It was just awesome!" I say, hugging my pillow.

"Tell me everything," she says, excitement clear on her face. All of her anger seems to have been vanished in thin air. Like poof! And gone. So much for her going through a lot tonight, eh?

"Let me change first and then, I'll tell you everything. Damn! It was amazing!" I say and begin to get up to leave for the washroom.


I re-check my face for any scrape of make-up that might have escaped my fingertips while washing. On finding none, I move out of the washroom and to my bed. Shitika is lying on hers, her eyes wide awake. Probably waiting for me.

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