A Dark Love

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I opened up a dictionary

And tried to find a meaning, in a hurry.

Turned the pages to look for the word -- "Perfect"

And saw you listed there, because I know you are worth it!

The meaning told me it was a synonym of "you"

And the reasons not to trust it were very few.

I imagined you with rapt admiration,

Especially when I first saw you on my life station.

I wanted to make you mine,

And I knew that with this, you'd be just fine.

In this big, big world, I was fortunate enough to be able to find you

And I could never have imagined this miracle to ever come true.

It felt magical hanging out together

But now, you've disappeared, just like the changing weather.

I searched for you, here and there,

But you were not to be found anywhere.

I was so desperate to find you,

That there was nothing else I wanted to do.

But now you have gone farther and farther away from me

And the only reason behind it is that I came to know the reality.

The reality of what I thought

And what you actually were.

And yet, with so many reasons I fought

'coz I didn't believe you were that mean

As a picture of mine, in your heart I had seen....


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Thanks :)

-Ritika :)

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