Preface: The Ultimatium

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I have redited the preface.. And this is my first attempt of writing I hope all like it there may be lot of errors and book may need proper editing later pardon the errors


Austin Salvatore

"One More Buddy," I sluttered to the bar tender in front of me.

The tall, bald, dangerous looking man looked at me, few more shots and I would be surely lose all control moreever, I had to drive back.

This is not it was supposed to be, definitely not the way I thought. The day I would end up in a local bar far away from my Estate but I guess one can never predict life.

Gulping down the last shot for the night, the events of the day played right in front of me.

A very happy me driving back in my red porshe to meet my grandfather , Gabriel Salvatore. The music from my stereo system echoed in the car with my voice booming the exact lyrics in my cheerful voice.

It had been six months, me and my grandpa had stopped interacting with each other. We hardly bumped into each other, inspite of staying at the same house. The regular banter was replaced by the chilling silence.

Ever since mom and dad passed away in that fatal plane crash five years ago, back my old man has been executing plans to get me hitched.

A part of me doesnt blame him why should I he wants the best for me, though he goes to extremes, my grandpa is at most times is overdramatic.

It started with trying to make unofficial bumping into his bussiness associates eligible elite and beautiful daughters at couple of events and forcing us to dance and well planned business meet completely in a romantic setup. Grandpa will get a urgent call and leave me with a hopeful beautiful potential brides.

I fall in the category the parents usually warn their daughters to stay away from such men. I have a real bad reputation, of having casual flings and affairs, which my grandpa doesn't approve of.

I had been back from the fashion event held at Vegas yesterday, driving back on my own wasnt best idea especially when you party harder after work..

But that message on voicemail was all it took me to rush back to London.

As I could see the huge iron gates situated at the entrance of my state I breathed a relief, first time , I could feel my palpitation and I realized this is one of those times, I am really nervous.

Taking a deep breath, I hopped out of the car and heeded inside the mansion.

Being little skeptical I strolled outside the personal library for few minutes before finally preparing myself to meet my Grandpa, Mr Gabriel Salvatore, one of the most influential persons of United Kingdom, and CEO of the famous iDream Fashion which was favorite brand of many women in international markets.

"Come in," a too familiar voice replied.

I entered the room which had very dim light, but the sun invaded the privacy of the room announcing his presence peircing through the huge glass window opposite to where he was calmly seated.

Grandpa was busy reading some book which seemed the most interesting to him at the moment.

I took the vacant seat next to him in the leather seat and waited for him to start the conversation.

Five minutes passed by the sharp silence within the closed doors of our personal Library had a pin drop silence.

And it was nerve wrecking, Grandpa's silence is more dangerous than anything means there is something very serious going in his mind, he handed me a file with had carved my name.

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