Chapter 5- Trust

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Disclaimer - the places, people, names in the story are fictitious

Emerald Wright

I managed to reach home early and wait for my best friend cum roommate Rebecca O'Connor for a confrontation.. But to my surprise she called me within few minutes of my waiting and asked me to visit the Café Stop.. I hired a cab and reached there within few minutes.

As soon as I reached there I managed to spot Becky, without her fake rims and makeup , she had opened her curly hairs and it fell freely on her beautiful face.. She really looked pretty without any makeup cake on her face ..She was busy with her phone when I reached and snapped my fingers at her.. That did get her attention and she looked up at me, her smile had more meaning to it

I just fired her there without even noticing anything, "how can do do that, you know they can sue us?" "but how did you convince that Torture to make you an assistant"

"I have my ways" came the prompt reply!

I couldn't stay mad at her but I was too curious .

Just as I was expecting an answer I saw her keenly observing at a distance and smiling.. I whipped around so fast that I almost got a neck sprain, I saw a couple passionately kissing each other outside the bar, when the woman turned I recognized her as the same model type Rapunzel haired girl whom I had bumped into at Tyler's floor, and I saw the man, he was dressed in a formal suit had a striking golden hair. His eyes trailed her and he waited for her to safely reach the café. As she did he smiled at her adoringly, waving her bye he drove off. It was obvious they were in love. The stranger had a visible blush when she turned towards us.

Love can be so beautiful, I wish I had that kind of love, one day.

As she came she instantly recognized me, Becky thanked her for her help and introduced me to her , Summer White.

Summer was indeed very pretty , dressed in a designer yellow knee length dress, which made suited her fair complexion well. She had a aura about her, there are some people you meet and instantly want to be friends with, Summer seemed to be like that person.

"So Congrats Rebecca oops, Betty I mean" she winked.

"Thanks a lot" Becky grinned and gave her a tight hug...

As we settled down on a comfortable seat she said, "But let me tell you one thing" she got serious "Tyler is shallow and all I agree, but he is a nice man at heart" she looked at me "So is Austin he may appear insensitive jerk but he is exactly the opposite of what he pretends to be".

That made me think, I smiled at her and she looked at Becky once again

" trust me on one thing it's not going to be easy Rebecca" she paused , furrowing her eyebrows she continued "but I hope you succeed but just remember one thing I hope in all this neither you or Tyler get hurt".

"Don't worry, let's celebrate our friendship" Becky said cheerfully.

We continued chatting with her , but her words were playing like a repeated music track on my mind..

During my first encounter with Austin, I had made a opinion about him, someone who is filthy rich and thinks he can bend rules as per his wish. Our second and third encounter was not on good terms either. He kind of blackmailed me to sign the contract and find him a bride. Not to forget the stupid clause of virginity he has mentioned in the list of finding brides.

But as I started working for him, I realized how focussed he was with his work. Sure, he made me run errands and was obnoxious at times but when it came to work he was completely dedicated.

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