Chapter 10- To protect her

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Needs to be edited later but still do read and give your feedback


Austin Salvatore

Avoiding Emerald wasn't easy, I prefered to email her if I had to ask her anything.

When Ben again flirted with her, I wanted to hit him in real sense. The smirk he gave me before calling her "pretty face" made me more furious.

Without thinking I asked her to join me for the meeting tonight, I mean the so called date. She didn't say anything and left. But I could read her expression, she was irritated.

I decided to wear a formal suit for the date. As I reached there, I got a text from Emerald, that she would be joining us late. The table Emerald had booked for us was a good one. It was at a corner & I took the seat from where I won't be visible to anyone. I couldn't afford any more gossip. When I met Katrina, there was news about the rumors of me getting hitched. Wonder who gave them the info. That's why I started maintaining low key, even I visited expensive places to meet these potential brides.

Mia, was different from all the dates I had met. She was nervous & it was too obvious. She did looked at me only once. I didn't want to scare her off, so I decided to give her space, by that time we both placed our orders. The only time she talked to me was when I asked her what would she like to eat. She had given me a sincere smile.

As our orders reached the table, I observed her stealing glances at me.

"You are too sucessful, then why would you want to marry a looser like me?" She asked

"Well , my someone I love the most wants me to get married" it was a half truth, he was forcing me to get married by blackmail.

She took a deep sigh " Umm, before we proceed, further , I want to confess certain things " she looked down & started stuttering " I-I -"

"Relax, we are practically strangers, you can tell me anything, I promise I won't judge you, is it about any ex boyfriend or something, I really don't care, you must have known about reputation" I assured her.

"I never had any boyfriend, or any relationship for that matter. I was always shy & loaded with lot of responsibilities. " She said in one breath " I am a virgin, not experienced in any kind of intimacy ,"

I looked at her, the criteria I used to make sure the woman , I meet someone who meets the criteria of being a "Virgin", something I just added to my list to get an excuse to reject women. I was tongue tied.

"I know , I am not very good-looking also, last week when I met Emerald, I lied to my relatives , I am on a date, they keep on mocking me. And I don't think they are wrong" she said in a low voice

I looked at her, I didn't realize gravity of the word I used so casually , when I had written that clause just to get grandpa off my back. He was disappointed in me but that's the truth of society, they judge someone's character if they have lot of relationships & also mock someone if they are single for a long time. And especially, if she a woman. What kind of hypocrisy is this? I never understood.

Before I could respond to her, someone with a fake concerned voice intervened "Oh Mia , my dear I felt so bad for you, you are such a nice girl, I wish you find someone sooner" her expressions matched her voice, she was like one of the models we hire, " I heard, Roy rejected you, you should have dated someone darling when you were young , your 30+ & still single". She mocked and feigned sympathy.Mia's expression changed , she looked down, avoiding her gaze else.

"Stop it Tara" a young man spoke, it seemed he just joined her after she finished insulting Mia.

My back was facing them so they didn't look at me, the woman was targeting my date & the man was trying to protect her? He seemed like a Asian/Indian?

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