Chapter 7: Revelation & Apologies

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I updated chapter 6 after 2 years
That's a long time but I won't be more taking more time now to update....please do give me feedback


Emerald Wright

The minute I reached home I looked for my best friend ,I found her at the balcony, looking at the sky sipping a cup of coffee.

I quietly sat down next to her, "You okay?" I softly said, she didn't reply me for a while after few minutes she said," I am not okay, but I will be , I have to be."

"I will always be there for you remember" I assured her. She looked at me and she hugged me, "It's their loss, anyways I just joined to annoy that tantrum man-child, guess that was the end" she sighed.

"Every end marks a new beginning" I told her "You are talented & you already have your own business which is going so well" I finished.

"Yeah I guess, by the way Summer had send me a text to be there at the event, why?"She asked.

"Oh she will be showcasing your dress at the show stopper dress, the one you gifted her , she really fought with Tyler a lot for you" I filled in about the conversation which happened after she left.

"Wow" , she breathed, "Good to know , I always thought she wants to be a model , I wonder why is she studying medicine, she doesnt seem happy with it and it's just a few days I have met her and I can see it, can't her family and those friends see it?"

"Oh that reminds me, I saw that guy who had dropped at her the coffee stop that day" and finally I got my besties attention, I continued with the silent approval, "He is Austin's friend I think , the attorney he keeps talking to," I paused "I think he called him Ben? "

"OH MY GOD!!!!"  She squealed. "You know, when I first met Summer she had come to get a tattoo near her heart. The letter B".

"I guess they are really in love with each other" she sighed dreamily.

"Now let's go and sleep , I have a event to attend." I told her

"He dropped you, didn't he? " it wasn't a question, and it was obvious whom she was referring  too.

"Yeah it was late." I said walking towards my room .

"He is not bad you know, he really cares about Summer, he saw me at the tattoo parlor that day briefly but I guess he didn't remember, with the disguise I had took" she said " Maybe" I went to my room.

I couldn't stop thinking about Becky's words, when I first met Austin, he seemed to be a jerk, he still is, but today when there was so much chaos he seemed to be calm , he didn't loose his cool on Becky as well nor did he accuse her of something.

When he made that announcement he seemed determined and also I believed when he said he would make sure the culprit will pay, he meant that, behind the calm deamenor,I could see the anger for the betrayal.

I kept tossing on the bed, because I was thinking of the man I despised few days ago. A man whom I need to find a bride for and also invade their privacy, who cares in today's day or age if the bride of be is a virgin or not , it's a personal choice after all.

But when I saw him at Vegas, I could see someone who was sensitive, he helped a drunk stranger, whom he didn't know at all, either he could have left her or taken advantage of the situation, no one would know but he made sure she reached safely.

Today when he said just walked out to say Goodnight , it was different, I didn't understand how to respond, he seemed confused by his own reaction too. Whatever it was our interactions had changed, the way I saw him had changed too, he was not that bad as a person I assumed him to be initially , he seemed responsible and a good leader. I don't know when I drifted to deep sleep, thinking about him.

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