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Me, Nate, Sully, Chloe and Cutter walked down the corridor. It was very dark, because it was underground. We were looking for a way out of that cave we were stuck in.


- Oh my God... This is it... - Nate said, he didn't believe that we found it.

- Francis Drake's hidden treasure... - I said after him. It was so exciting. We were looking for this for over 15 years... And we finally did it. All Drake's ever hidden gold, jewels... It was so unbelievable...

Nate and I stepped to the chest. Everyone stayed out, well, it was our work to do. We were after this for 15 years. I slowly opened the chest. The gold shined in my face. There were lots of money, jewels, crowns... It was worth more than we thought... We began to put all the coins and other things in bags. In the end, there were two big bags of everything. Sully took one and Cutter took the other. Then, I realised that something was wrong. The ground began to shake and the whole room started to fall down.

- RUN!!! - I shouted, and everyone did so. Stones started to fall from the roof and everything was shaking. I was so scared... I turned around to see what's going on, but Nathan grabbed my hand and we started to run together. In a normal situation, I'm sure that I would be red like tomato, but when it's life or death, I just can't think about it. I knew I had a crush on him. It was so obvious. I was just so afraid that he doesn't feel the same about me. It's the most horrible feeling in the world, the feeling that you love someone, but this person doesn't love you. Well, I guess it's called "friendzone" (xD) We ran through the whole room and I spotted a small dark corridor.

- This way! It's our only chance! - I pointed my finger at the way out. We ran to it and when I just got in there, rocks fell right behind me, blocking our way out.

- Well, we're not going back this way. - Chloe said, with a disapointing in her voice. Damn, it was dark.

- Has someone got a lighter or something? - I asked, hoping that we will soon get out of there.

- Yeah, I have a lighter, and I have a torch, too. - Sully said. I sighed with relief. He lighted the torch and we started to go slowly. There was water to the knees. It was very cold. I shivered.

- You okay? - Nate asked, worrying aboyt me. It was kinda cute.

- Yeah, it's just... the water is cold and I'm scared f the darkness... - I said, ashamed. It was my fear ince I was young. Too many scary stories, I guess. Nate took off his shawl and wrapped it around my neck. I shivered at his touch. He took my arm into his to warm me up. Well, he did good. (:3)

It was going to be a long way.

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