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There were shots everywhere. I was really scared. Medley's men were very powerful and I was afraid that we won't make it. Everyone was firing at each other. Nate was beside me, shooting our enemies. I thought that it was it...

- Nate... - I started - If we don't make it...  I wanted to say that... I... lo- 

My words were cut by a bullet shooting me in the arm.

- ARGH! - I screamed, falling on the floor. It was so horrible.

- [Y./N]! NO!!! - Nate shouted. He was very shocked.

- YOU SON OF A BITCH! - he shouted, running to the one who shot me. It couldn't end good.

- Nate...! No! You... You're gonna... G-get hurt...! - I tried to yell getting up from the floor. I tried towalk to Nate, but I was stopped by arms catching me and causing me to struggle. It was Medley. He had a knife with him. I had my weapon in my pocket, but he didn't let my hands move.

- Let... Me... GO!!! - I shouted, struggling with him, but he put a knife to my throat and caused me to stop. I knew that if I would try to fight him, he would have killed me.

- Surrender or I will kill her!!! - he shouted and everyone of my group looked at him and me, shocked. I had tears in my eyes.

- Nate... Please... Help... - I said through tears. Medley undercut my throat a bit, causing it to bleed a little. I felt pain, but I couldn't move. I was so scared. So very scared. Every Medley's man was aiming at Cutter, Chloe, Sully and Nate. Nate was aiming at Medley, and the rest was aiming for Medley's men. It was a cycle of life and death. One wrong move and we'll be all dead.

- LET HER GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! - Nate shouted, seemingly worried about me. He and Medley started to yell at each other. I tried to find a way to escape. I spotted a gate, which was opened. I used all my strength to kick Medley in the balls (xD). He curled down.

- RUN! - I shouted and started to run. Everyone did the same, shooting at enemies.

Then, I saw something that I won't forget in my whole life.

Nate ran in front of me and he got shot in the back by Medley.

I was so sad and shocked in this one, most horrible moment of my life. I won't forget this.

- NO!!! NATE!!! - I screamed, crying.

Then, something in me broke.

Everything around me froze and went quiet.

I put out my gun and started to shoot every one enemy in the head.

When everyone was dead, I walked to Medley and slit his throat with his own knife.

It took a while for me to calm down.

I turned around and walked to Nate. His blood was on the floor, but he was luckily still alive.

- Oh God, Nate... No... - I said with tears flowing from my eyes.

- Sully, everyone, help me get him up. - I said and we all got Nate up.

- Everything will be fine... I promise... - I said to Nate. After a couple of minutes, he fell down on the floor. I knew deep down that he can't take it anymore.

- No... No, no, no, no... Nate... Please, don't... - I said, as he laid down on the ground. Everyone was just watching us.

- [Y/N]... *cough* It... Was... A good time with you... *cough* - Nate wealky said. I cried, holding my one hand on his wound, trying to stanch it somehow and holding his head with the other one.

- No... Nate, please, don't leave me... I can't make it without you... - I cried

- You... Were always my best friend... And now... Something... More... Than... Just a friend... - he said. So... He... loved me...?

I cried very hard. I couldn't let him die. I couldn't.

- Nate... I wanted to say this a very long time ago... I... I... - I couldn't finish my sentence, because I saw that he stopped breathing and shut his eyes.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no... Nate... Nate... NO... NO... - I started to cry. I cried so, so hard. Everyone cried, too. But they left me with him alone. I cried over his body for about ten minutes. Later, I was lying on his chest my eyes still wet from tears. I just couldn't believe that he's gone. Nate's gone. That thought just couldn't be in my head.

- ... I love you... - I finally finished my sentence. I... Just had to say it.

I slowly moved my face to his.

I slightly connected my lips to Nate's.

Then, I felt Nate's hands... Grabbing my waist and getting me on top of him.

He deepened the kiss.

I was shocked so much.

He... Was... Alive...?

I parted from him and stared at him with shocked eyes. He was smiling.

- Nate! YOU'RE ALIVE!!! - I yelled and hugged him as much as I could. He laughed and hugged me back. I parted away from him and looked into his eyes. I chuckled and kissed him. He was suprised first, but then, he kissed me back. My hands lied on his chest and his hands were in my hair.

I heard everyone run to us and cheering that Nate's alive. We disconnected our lips.

- Kid, don't EVER do that again! - Sully said, helping him to get up and hugging him.

- Yeah mate, we were seriously scared. - Cutter said. Chloe just hugged Nate.

- But... How? How are you alive? - she asked.

I think that [Y/N] saved me somehow. She was holding her hand on my wound the whole time, so I think that she stanched it. - He said looking at me and smiled.

I... saved Nate...?

I chuckled and hugged him. Everyone was smiling at us. He kissed me and I quickly kissed back.

- So, you're a couple now? - Sully asked. I nodded.

- I knew that it will happen some day. - Charlie said. We smiled.

Nate put a hand to my face and said:

- Let's get out of here, alright?

- Yeah. - I said, smiling. We all walked away, me and Nate holding hands. It were the worst and the same time the best moments of my life.


Ok, so I hope that you didn't cry! XD

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