Is there a way out...?

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We slowly moved forward. I heard water drops falling from above. I soon realised that we were underground. I gripped tighter on Nathan's arm. He felt so strong, so brave... I had a feelong that he can protect me from everything. He looked at me and smiled. Aww, his smile was so cute and awesome.

I heard bat noise. It was getting closer and closer. I stared into darkness, trying to see anything. Then, Nate lowered my head down. I didn't know what happened until I turned around and heard the same bat noise, but further. I realised that Nate just saved me from a bat getting into my face.

- Thanks... - I almost wispered. That moment, I knew that he was always there for me.

We walked for about 15 minutes. I was tired already, Where were we going anyway...?

After a while I say something shining in the water.

- Wait everyone... If that's what I think it is... - I said. It just couldn't be...

I took a shiny object in my hand and realised that it was a necklace.

Wait, know that shape...

- Wait a minute... Nate, give me your necklace for a moment. - I said and he did so. I read what his ring said.

- "small beginnings"... - I read the lettering.

- "Greatness from..." I read what Nate's one said.

- " Greatness from small beginnings..." - Nate said quietly.

- T-that's it! That's what it says! It's one piece if we connect these two parts! - I said with excitement. Everyone started yelling and cheering. Me and Nate hugged after a moment of staring at each other. It was so awesome... I wanted to stay in this position forever. We pulled away and stared in our eyes, smiling. I spotted that we were leaning in towards ourselves.

- Nate? [Y/N]? Are you ready to go? - Sully said, I looked in his direction and saw that everyone was staring at me and Nathan. I turned red from embarassment. I think that Nate did, too. I tried to forget about what happened, but I just couldn't. I was so close to finally kiss him...


Ok, so in the next chapter there's gonna be a man named "Medley". He'll be a "bad guy" that wants to get the whole gold and treasure to himself. I hope that you enjoy this story so far! :D

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