"I can see a light!"

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We were walking in this tunnel for about an hour now. Everyone started to loose hope for getting out. I did, too. Well, it took way too long...

I took a torch from Sully, because me and Nate almost didn't see anything at the back. I started to watch the walls and tried to see what's on them. There were some kind of drawings on... I turned right and saw a giant spider right in front of my face! I screamed and jumped back... bumping into Nate. I'm lucky that he caught me, or we would be lying in that cold water. I hugged into his chest and started to say:

- Kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it...

Soon, I realised what I was doing. I let go of him and saw that everyone was staring at us. (again. ._.)

- I... I hate spiders. I was afraid of them since I was little... - I said, confused. Damn it, I can't let them realise that... I love Nate. I. Love. Nate. God, I just realised how strong that feeling was... We were best friends since I was four, and he was six. I remember that I ran on the sidewalk and bumped into Nate. We started talking and... We became friends. A long, long time friends.

Quarter later, we were STILL walking in this goddamn corridor. Everyone was so tired, I almost fell (again ._.)... We were on the edge... Then, I saw something very bright.

- Hey, I think I see a light! - I said and everyone ran there. We were so happy that we found a way out. Not for long...

We all ran to the light. Everyone thought that we'll finally get out of that fucking labirynth. But I realised that something was wrong. As soon as we got into a way out, every light vanished and it was completely quiet.

- What the hell? - I heard Sully said. A couple moments later the lights turned back on, blinding us. I realised that we were trapped. There were Medley's men everywhere and they were armed. They were aiming for us.

- HIDE!!! - Nate shouted and we all did so. I hid over a short wall. It was gonna be a long fight...

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