Leaving and ... A suprise

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We were on a boat, leaving the island. Finally, some peace. I walked to Nate and looked in the sea.

- Quite a day, isn't it? - I said. We laughed. Yeah, it was...

- Look, [Y/N]... I wanted to... Do this a very long time ago... - Nate said, grabbing my left hand. I didn't know what he was going to do.

- I... I loved you almost always... - He said, looking into my eyes.

Oh my God, was he going to...?

- And... I have to ask this one, final question... - He got onto on knee.

Oh my God.

- [F/N] [L/N], will you merry me? - He finally asked. I was shocked. I wanted to hear these words for a very long time...

- YES! - I said and hugged him. We embraced ourselves for a momant and kissed.

Oh God, his lips felt so good...

I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

It was so romantic, kissing in the sunset.. We pulled away and smiled.

- I love you Nate.

- I love you too, [Y/N].



I hoped you liked my story!

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