Learning to Love Right Chapter 6

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Nik's POV

I watched as Caroline stalked away trying to hold back tears. Someone clearly hurt her and I wanted to destroy whoever did.

Once I couldn't see her anymore I made my way back to our hut. I wasn't surprised when I saw her empty bed but I went to sleep anyway not wanting to think about what I'd seen happen with Tatia.

* * *

I woke up the next morning and looked to Caroline's bed. It was empty. Kol and Rebekah were still asleep and it was quiet outside and I knew that it was early.

Quickly I got dressed and walked outside scanning the area for Caroline. She was nowhere to be seen and I began to worry.

I ran to the hut Alaric shared with Elijah.

"Alaric wake up" I said shaking him. He opened his eyes sleepily and looked up at me.

"Something's happened to Caroline. She wasn't in her bed last night and she wasn't there this morning" I said.

Alaric shot out of bed and quickly dressed himself.

"You start looking for Caroline and I'll be right behind you" he said. I nodded and wondered where she could possibly be.

*Caroline's POV

I woke up with my hand in something cold and wet. Opening my eyes I found my hand in a river. Pushing myself I looked around confused. Then the events of last night came back into my mind.

I got up and wrapped the blanket around me tighter and looked around forcing myself not to cry.

Then I distracted myself by trying to make my way back to the village before the full moon tonight.

I managed to make my way back to the fallen tree that I'd sat on last night with Niklaus. Which meant I was getting closer. But somehow I managed to walk in a circle. Again. And again. And again.

I began to get scared because night fall was close and I was still lost. I sat on the tree and began to cry.

"Caroline" I heard and my head shot up. They called my name again and I followed the sound through the dark until I hit something hard.

"Caroline" he said relief in his voice "your ok." Strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up and saw Niklaus. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

Then a hollow ripped through the air. We both froze.

"Caroline we must get out of here."

"Where are we supposed to go. We won't make it back to village." Nik looked around until he found a big enough tree. He pulled me along and told me to climb the tree.

Once we got up far enough Nik pulled me onto one of the branches and held me tight.

We both watched as the werewolves ran by. Once they were gone I turned to look at him.

Then before I knew what was happening his lips were in mine. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

I pulled away needing air and we both smiled at each other.

"Go to sleep love" he said and held me tight.

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