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"We need to get to the police station, before we end up leaving TK and Jordan there alone." I said, ushering my friends towards the streets.

"I'm sorry," Griffin said. "I'm still a bit confused. What are we doing?"

"TK and Jordan left for the police station," Miranda explained. "We need to catch up with them before something bad happens."

He nodded. "Okay."

I groaned, and began walking down the street, following the path in which the two took. All the while, as we walked across the district, and the sun continued to sink in the sky, Jackson began to tell stories.

"So then," He told, for about the second hour. "I punched the lad in the face, and said, 'Not too good now, are ya!'"

"Ummmm, Jackson?" I asked. "Do you think you could umm... lay of the stories a bit?"

He sighed. "Yeah. I guess so."

We had passed a majority of office buildings and post offices, all deserted, and large amounts of papers were skittering across the ground.

"Cool! Free mail!" Henry said, picking some up. "Hey! These are checks!"

"Get rid of them Henry, they're of no use anymore." I said.

"Fiiiiiine." He moaned, and threw them down.

We continued to walk, laughing and kicking useless bank notes.

"Wait a minute... what's that?" Jackson asked.

I looked ahead. A large mob of people... no, strangers, where trying to get into a building. It was the police station.

"No!" I yelled, pulling out my sword. "Hurry! We need to help them!"

We got halfway to the police station, when we heard a thud. I looked at the roof of the station, where Jordan stood, aiming a long tube at the strangers... a grenade launcher! She looked at us.

"GET DOWN!" She screamed.

We obeyed, and hit the ground, just as the horde began to notice us. An explosion shook the ground, and it began to rain fire.

"Get up! Keep running!" I shouted.

We continued to break towards the station, we noticed the stranger horde was massively smaller, a bit of an oxymoron if anything. The grenade had wiped out almost half of them. Jordan looked at us.

"Stay there!"

We stopped, and about 20 of the strangers turned around, and began coming for us. The other 30 were still pounding on the station doors.

"Get ready." I said, as the others pulled out weapons.

I didn't even have time to say 'NOW' when nearly all the strangers collapsed over, bleeding. Dirt was flying and chatters echoed down the street. Jordan had pulled out some kind of machine gun, trained on the last of the strangers.

"I got it." Jackson said, knifing the last few. They fell away without resistance.

"You're pretty nice looking, you know-" He began, looking at Jordan, as she began to climb to the ground.

"I'm lesbian." Jordan said, raising an eyebrow.

"Hokay then." He said, turning back around.

"That's not the point, though." She said. "TK's hurt. Badly."


He was unconscious on one of the couches, lying near piles of dead bodies. The room stank. A ton.

"My god." I said, kneeling by him. "What happened?"

"When the horde attacked, obviously it freaked us out, because it was huge, and we're used to only seeing small packs of them."

"Hold on, your lesbian?" Jackson spoke.

"Shut it. Anyway, TK tried to defend the door, while I gathered weapons. Most of them had no ammo, but I got a few. Some are too loud. Strangers are attracted to noise. TK couldn't get inside in time, and got beaten to the ground. I dragged him inside, just before any of them took another stab at him."

"Thank you." I said, looking at her. "And these bodies?"

"The riots, I'm guessing." She said. "You want to see the weapons?"

"YES." Griffin said.

Miranda, Auden and Henry shrugged. Jackson gave a curt nod.

She led us over to the counter, which had a few weapons on it. I took stock, and glanced at everyone.

"We can all have 1 firearm, and 1 melee. There's only enough ammunition for a few shots though, so pick your targets wisely."

We had 3 pistols, 5 police weapons, from nightsticks, to bayonets, a submachine gun, and a crossbow. Of course, there was the grenade launcher, but Jordan had it in her hands, and 3 grenades were strapped to her chest. I wasn't grabbing that any time soon. I picked up a pistol, and slipped it into my backpack.

"Don't bother." Jordan said, throwing a pistol holster my way.

I nodded, and slipped the pistol into the holster, and strapped it to my belt. I took my sword off my pants, and slung it around my back. Griffin picked up a bayonet, and the submachine gun. Henry grabbed a nightstick and a pistol, as did Miranda. She swiped a Taser as well, with only 1 cartridge.

"Just in case." She said winking at me.

I grabbed the last pistol and walked over to TK's pack and put it in. He already had his bayonet.

"Is there anything else in here?"

"We could go look." Henry suggested.

"Good idea. We need to get moving though. The sun's almost gone, and we need to be somewhere safe before nightfall." Jackson said.

We agreed, and walked to the stairs, each of us holding our newly found weapons.

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