Nick Jonas Twin Sister Story ch 15 {Mr. and Mrs.Jonas}

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Mrs.Jonas's POV

I cant believe Allie's cutting. Paul just talked to her about it i just want to know what happened to her that made her cut. Paul came back in our room and sat down on the bed.

Me-Why is she cutting?

Paul-she wouldnt tell me Denise

i sighed and got frusterated 

Me-but i want to know why

Paul-me to baby me to

If only we knew the reason why she cutted in the first place then maybe we can stop whatever bothered her. i started crying and Paul put his arm around my shoulder comforting me while i cried. 

Paul-it's gonna be okay alright stop crying it's gonna be okay 

Me-i hope so it just worries me dear 

Paul-it worries me to

Mr.Jonas's POV

I talked to Allie about cutting but she didnt say why she started cutting in the first place i know it worries Denise and me but she's gonna have to stop soon. i noticed Kevin giving something to her like a sheet of paper so i went to talk to him.

Me-Hey Kevin

Kevin-oh hey Dad

Me-what did you give Allie?

Kevin-paper to help her stop cutting why are you asking?

Me-no reason just wondering

that's good he's helping her i went to Allie's room to talk to her agian 

Allie-hey dad

Me-Hey umm you know you cutting is worrying your mother and me

Allie-i know i'm trying to stop but i cant

Me-that's because your addicted to cutting and that makes it harder to quit

Allie-i know 

i sighed and left her room and went to bed with Denise who was fast asleep 


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