Nick Jonas Twin Sister Story ch 23 {It's too late to apologize}

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Allie's POV

I woke up very early Friday morning to run on the beach but was stopped by my family. Oh Great they needed to talk to me about cutting and everything. I tried to get out the door but Kevin picked me up and sat me on the couch wanting me to tell them why I started cutting. I took a deep breath and began telling them why I started.

" I started cutting because I was getting bullied by this boy in my school, he never liked me and he would call me names and physically hurt me each day and since that day I started cutting" I stopped and breathed harder and broke down crying "I knew that what I was doing to myself was bad but it made me feel better and I thought that cutting was an answer but it wasn't the right answer"

Joe walked over to me and told me I could stop when I wanted to but I didn't stop I told more and more until I finally broke down and ran out of the house and  went to the beach hoping it would calm me down but it didn't, Becca saw me on the beach and ran over to me and walked and talked with me. 

We got some ice cream and went to a movie for a few hours making my family worried, when the movie was done I had gotten a lot of calls and texts

Dad 21 calls 67 texts

Mom 36 calls 37 texts

Kevin 48 calls 48 texts

Joe 56 calls 18 texts

Nick 55 calls 100 texts

Guess Kevin and Nick were the only two who actually cared, Kiara, Frankie, Brooke, and Paige didn't seem to care. Becca and I walked into the music store and bought some CD's and didn't even notice the swarm of teenage girls in the back of the store crying and screaming. Becca noticed and called me over there and there was this long line of girls we waited in line for we don't know what, and finally reached the front of the line and saw what the girls were in line for sitting at the table were five boys and I absoutly loved their music One Direction . 

Louis-Hi what's your name?


Louis-pretty name 

Me-Thank You!

Louis-do you want me to sign something?

Me-Yeah *takes out a book for Louis to sign*

Louis-*sings and passes it down to Harry* 

Louis-*to Becca* Hi what's your name?................

Harry-Hey gorgeous what's your name?

Me-Allison or Allie for short

Harry-Nice! *signs the book and passes it down to  Zayn*

Zayn-Hey I know you from somewhere

Me-really where?

Zayn-I saw you at a concert at the O2 Arena in London you in the front row and I think your brothers were preforming 

Me-What are my brothers names? I asked curious 

Zayn-The bands name was the Jonas Brothers.

Me-yeah they are my brothers I have another brother and 3 sisters two of which are two of my brothers twins.

Niall-Zayn pass the book down to Liam and I

Zayn-Okay *passes the book down*

2 hrs later outside the music store 

"We just met One Direction" Becca and I fangirled for 1 hr or more until it reached 6:00 pm and Becca had to go home and I went home hoping my family wasn't there but they were and Kevin tackled me into a hug and wouldn't let go

"Kevin can't breath" I said hoping he'd let go

I walked into the family room and apologized to my family for being late and for cutting but they shook their heads and told me it's too late to apologize

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