Part Four

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Jin's POV

Sitting at the camp, I was looking through some of my old photos and my eyes landed on the picture I took of the horizon at the beach. It was bleak and gray, but that had a beauty like no other. I looked at Hoseok and asked him, "Uri...yeogi galgga?" He nodded his head and then I looked at Taehyung who also seemed happy about the idea. Next to him Namjoon smiled without me even having to ask him. I looked at Jimin and showed the picture to Yoongi and Jungkook-they all nodded and smiled. Good, because they were finally getting what they wanted. A trip to the beach.

The next day, we were all in the truck-Taehyung and Jimin outside at the back, Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi inside in the middle. I drove since I'm the eldest hyung and Namjoon sat next to me so he could take over if I got tired. It was blissful, feeling the wind on my face and arms-hearing it whip past me was even better!

We got down near the edge of the shore and it was beautiful because the sun was up high and the water sparkled like gold. Taehyung, Jungkook and the others were already racing each other on the sand, laughing and jumping on top of each other. Taehyung  was so slow... I mentally face-palmed myself for raising such a turtle for a son (although Yoongi was the turtle of Bangtan). They were all so happy that it made me happy. I couldn't help but stand there and smile like an idiot-immediately I took out my camcorder and started to record everything.


Jungkook's POV:

Sitting on the bridge I was staring at the sun that was slowly setting down. Subconsciously I remembered what Suga hyung used to say, "if I'm the Sun then you're the Moon because when I rise you go down." But what about when the Sun goes down? Wouldn't that mean that the Moon is technically the winner in the scenario? Rising after a whole day under the oppressive Sun? I guess it doesn't really matter.

It was getting darker and well, I didn't really want to go back. This place was so beautiful and today, we made some really good memories. "Jungkookah! Maknae ya!" I heard Suga hyung call out. He plopped himself next to me and put his arm around my neck. He was about to say something but I stopped him and put my index finger to my lips. Pointing towards the water I smiled and he smiled with me. We just sat there looking at the Sun go down together in silence.

Now it was completely dark, except for the moon that was shining abnormally bright. Maybe it does matter, huh?

"Jungkook, we're going to the petrol station to pick up RapMon from his shift and then we're going to grab something to eat so let's go now" He said to me. Satisfied we both made our way to the truck, I didn't want to the others to yell at me again like last time so I jogged ahead of Suga hyung. I reached the truck just as Jin hyung revved the engine and Suga hyung wasn't far behind. The ride then was a little silent since Jimin hyung and and V hyung were sleeping at the back of the truck. It was like the life had been sucked out of us - Suga hyung and I were really quiet as was Jin hyung in the front, but Hobi hyung was trying to keep us alive. Cracking his usual V-Hope jokes; it was great that he took the fan ships really well because it could be a little awkward when ARMYS pair us up with each other. But Hobi hyung just made them sound normal and rather entertaining.


Jin's POV:

I was driving again and this time the seat next to me was empty because Namjoon had left earlier to work his shift at the petrol station. The ride there was simple and calm. Hoseok was trying to bring back life into the moving vehicle. Yoongi was as he usually is: sleeping like a log ignoring everything going around him. How he does that so well is a question I've been asking myself for so long that there is no point anymore. He just is damn good at it. I have to remember to ask him how to do that since it will be very useful. Pulling into the petrol station we were waiting for Namjoon to finish and so until then, Hoseak had decided to bring some food from the 7eleven nearby. Namjoon took a small break and decided to take a picture with my very beloved pink Polaroid. I need to have a word with him later about touching my camera without my permission. Yoongi had just woken up and instead of being the lazy, cranky scary guy that he was, he stuck his big head next to mine and we smiled and said "Kimchi~".

Hoseok got in and Namjoon finished his shift and got in as well. Waving the film to get the picture he smiled. It was great! He put it in the dashboard and then went to tell his boss that he was done and we were off into the night, driving back to the dorm in silence as everyone decided to fall asleep (even Yoongi, who was awake like seconds ago was snoring his lazy ass off). I smiled to myself - today was wonderful and I'm happy that I could give them something that I had taken away from them.


Hello! It's been a long time since my last update and I want to apologize for that. Mianhae! Yongseohae.

Anyways. I am so satisfied with this part. It's been a long time time since I've been satisfied with something that I've written and I want to thank you guys for supporting me and bearing with my trashy writing so far. I really do hope that this book has improved from its previous state. Gomawo! 😘

Please keep on supporting me and don't forget to vote and comment. Keep getting INFIRED!

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