Part Eight

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Rap Monster's POV:

Breaking the news of V's death to our fans was probably the hardest thing we ever had to do. ARMYs are precious to us and I know that more than anything, they were precious to V. He loved them so much that he would do anything for them - he was such a great listener and he always looked at each fan with such attentive eyes. They enjoyed meeting him during the fan sign events or backstage after one of our concerts. He treated them with so much love and so much care. Obviously they couldn't handle it. We were at one of our scheduled fan sign events for the week (Bang PD-nim told us he would cancel it for us but we told him that we wanted to still go. After all, they deserve to know what's happening) and when we introduced ourselves, I'll admit it was tough. We felt so empty. The gap in the group was so obvious but there was nothing we could do. As soon as we appeared in front of them, it suddenly became so loud that we couldn't even hear our own voices. Immediately, they started asking, or rather yelling out questions about where V was. My eyes were pricked with tears and I could see Jin Hyung already hiding his face. Man, this was so hard to do. But I am the leader of Bangtan even if there is no more V and it is my responsibility, so I told them. The cold truth. I told them, and then they went apeshit crazy. With tears in my eyes I said, "V fell into a lake at night. He did not drown, but he got hypothermia. It was really bad. We rushed him to the hospital and he was put in critical care. We waited patiently and doctors told us he was improving, but his mental state was shaky. We were soon allowed to take him home, when suddenly, his heart collapsed and...and...h-h-he, he died. V died and we had a funeral for him. But please keep loving us and believing in us. We will work harder and we will become the best Bangtan can be!" Who was I kidding. By the end of my little announcement/speech I was broken down in tears, but I still stood up straight and faced the crowd. I knew that I was lying, not only to them but to myself. Bangtan will never be the same without V and we can never be better without him. But we have to try, because that is what he would've wanted. For V we have to try. Everyone was crying and honestly, it looked like a funeral more than a fan sign event. Instead of interactions and signing things for our fans, we decided to hug them. It would be awkward if we all stood in a line and gave them hugs one by one, so we all merged in with the crowd and hugged as many people as we could. Some would cry into our chests but we didn't mind, some would hug us for at least 10 minutes but we were there for them. I was wiping the tears of one girl I had just hugged when she said something that made me freeze. "Sexy porn star" she gave me a weak smile. At first I didn't understand and she repeated, "sexy porn star...V oppa wanted to be a sexy porn star" she stared to laugh quietly. I remember that. V said he wanted to become "saxophone star" because he used to take saxophone lessons but it ended up sound like "sexy porn star". I laughed with her. The other members looked at us like we were crazy. I guess we were. V was a funny guy and memories of him are precious. She helped me remember that. No matter what, V will always be in our hearts.


Jungkook's POV:

Man that was a very emotional event. We all went back to the dorm after hugging like a billion girls and we were tired. V Hyung you really screwed us up. I went straight to the bathroom because my face had become like a horror story. My make up was smudged and my face was red and swollen. Yes, I will admit, I am a cry baby. As manly as I like to think I am, I actually am not. My manliness equals Suga hyung's active days. That's right. Zero. Okay maybe there a few days where Suga hyung isn't too lazy. But it felt good to let it all out. I miss V hyung, I really do, but after remembering all the good times we've had together makes his death a lot less painful. We laughed and we cried with our fans and it was possibly the best feeling in the world. I'm glad we did that, I know V Hyung is probably smiling right now, or maybe he's actually jumping around acting stupid - who knows? He was the weird one after all.

Surprisingly, the atmosphere had changed in the dorm. The heaviness had lifted and it was...nice. It wasn't back to normal. We will never be the way we used to be. We will always have that gap, and we will cherish it for life because that gap belongs to V hyung and no one can take it away from him. But we won't cry anymore because V hyung wouldn't want that. And plus, I think I ran out of tears, I felt so parched after crying so much. I went into the kitchen to make myself something to eat, because man I was hungry! I was surprised to find Jimin hyung there, he was quietly eating some frozen yoghurt and he looked up when I opened the refrigerator. "Hyung?" I started. "Hyung, how are you?" I dared to ask him. I looked up at him and he gave me a weak smile. I guess he didn't want to talk so I took a juice carton and went back to my room. I had to go past V hyung's room to get to mine and I got distracted. I stepped into his room for just a second before my head started spinning. But I didn't leave, I just went to the centre of the room and examined everything. I spun around till I felt dizzy enough to puke up. I sat on the floor and the tears that I thought had dried up came erupting out of my eyes and I broke down again, in V hyung's room.



Dear Awesome readers, I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. And I'm no  better now to deserve your forgiveness because this part is not exactly amazing. But I hope that you will like it. Please vote and comment...I love to hear feedback because I want to improve for you guys.
Infires man!!


P.S. The book is almost compete. Since this is a short story, I'm going to be wrapping it up soon. Please anticipate the ending and give me love.

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