Chapter Two : Angelina

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"Your guild got blown to bits?" Lucy asked, sounding surprised.
"Yeah, and we need a place to stay." I say.
"Um, sorry, but it's kind of crowded at my place right now. Natsu and Happy are staying there." Lucy says.
"Ha!" A boy with spiky, pink hair yells loudly. He must be Nastu.
"I can still kick you out, you know!" Lucy says.
"What?! Why would you prefer these Sabertooth members over me?!" Natsu shouts.
"Because they know how to use a door! " Lucy says, as the whole guild laughs.
This place was way different than Sabertooth, definitely crazier, but I could see the slight smile on Emily's face.
"Not to interrupt, but have you already forgotten about the girls dorm, Lucy?" Erza says.
"Oh yeah, there's the girls dorm, but you'd have to be a member of Fairy Tail to stay there." Lucy says. I can sense the hope in her voice, and I knew what she was going to ask next. "Do you want to join Fairy Tail?" Lucy asks. That slight smile shrinks into a look of concern. Since Sabertooth was destroyed, that look didn't surprise me. Sure I wanted to join, but it wasn't my decision."It's your call, Emily." I say."Me! Why is it my call?!" She says."Because if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be alive..." I say.

We just got back to the guild, from a month of nonstop work, and we had made 300,000 jewel from the job. Once we got back from the job, our friends threw us a welcome-back party (Not as big as some of the other parties Sabertooth had seen). We head to the girl's bunks and I flopped down onto one of the beds, not caring whether it was mine or not. "I'm going to take a nap. For a year!" I say. "Oh, you're not sleeping yet." Emily says. I groan,"Why?" "The Lunar eclipse is tonight," she says. "So?" I ask. "So we're going to go watch it." Emily says. "Come on, we just got back from a job!" I say. "But it's our tradition!" she says. "Traditions can be broken..." I say. "Not this one!" she says, grabbing my legs, and yanking me off the bed.
I groan again. "Come on, if you come I'll... pay your part of the rent this month!" She says.
"Ugh, fine. Just let me get some clean clothes on." I say.
After I did that, we went downstairs and Master Sting was there.
"Emily, Angelina, good to see you guys back again." He says. "Good to see you too, Master Sting." I say. "So are you going to stay for the party?" He asks. "We will, we just have to do something quick." Emily says.
"Okay, but don't miss out!" he says and gives me one of  his cute smiles.
We walk out of the guild, and go deeper into the woods to the spot we always go. There it was, the lunar eclipse. We watched it for a few minutes, and I had almost forgotten how beautiful it was. Because of my powers I can look at the eclipse without damaging my eyes. Suddenly sparks of red light shoot into the sky. "They never mentioned that they were having fire works..." Emily says. "It's coming from where the guild is!" I say. Our eyes widen and we run towards the guild . The next thing I know the guild is up in flames. "No! We have to save them!" Emily cries and runs towards the fire. I pull her back just in time. "Emily! We've already lost the guild, I can't lose you too!" I say as tears run down my face, and we watch the fire grow.

When I come back to reality I must have only been day-dreaming for a minute, because Emily nods her head.
"I'll get the master." Erza says.
"What?! Erza, you're actually agreeing with this?" Nastu says.
"Yeah, Erza! This could just be a scam that Sabertooth planned!" says what looks like a blue flying cat.
"Look. If this is true, we must welcome these girls  with open arms, but I will look into this." Erza says and runs off.
"Come on Nastu, give them a chance." that boy Gray says.
"No Gray, I'm not trusting them!" Nastu says. Before Gray could respond Erza comes back with a small old man.
"Are these the girls from Sabertooth that you were talking about?" the man asks politely.
"Yes, girls, this is Master Makarov of Fairy Tail." Erza says. The man wasn't anything like Sting by the looks of it.
"Surely you girls have gone through some tough times, watching your guild get destroyed, but we would be glad to have you as members of Fairy Tail!" He says.
Me and Emily crack a smile as Nastu replies: "What? You're really going to let these Sabertooth freaks join the guild?" He shouts it.
"Well, we let you in, didn't we?" The old Master says. "I'm not a freak!" Nastu shouts, turning red.
"You eat fire..." Gray says, sitting down at a table near us.
"You randomly take your shirt off in public for no reason!" Nastu says.
The two of them start fighting behind us but everyone acts like it's no big deal, including the master.
"Don't mind them, they always end up picking fights." Makorov says.
" can we join?" I ask.
"Of course, let's just try to get this mark off first." he says. His magic glows white in his hands, and it's relaxing on my skin...until he pulls his hand away fast. It feels like a huge band aid being pulled off, but the mark on my shoulder, and on Emily's neck disappears instantly .
He holds up a stamp with the Fairy Tail mark on it. "I have to put it where your old mark was, otherwise it wont work. Is that okay?" he asks. "Yes!" I say, excited. "Will it be the same color?" I ask. "Who knows?" Makarov says. "It is different for everyone. The stamp decides." He says. I wonder what that means. I pull up my sleeve and kneel down. "Now hold still. This might sting a little." he says as the stamp goes onto my shoulder.

By writer Kittyblackandwhite! Thanks!

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