Chapter Four: Emily

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She looked as though she had once been at the top of the food chain. She wore a simple silk gown, with a short, shimmering skirt. A tightly woven, wool shawl was draped over her shoulders. Her hair was tied up in an intricate braid. The most noticeable part about her, however, was not the luxurious vestment she had on. It was the golden-threaded stars stitched into her cloak that caught my eye. I had never seen such a mark. It didn't look like just any symbol. It looked almost sacred. Like a guild mark. However, there was no guild that bore that symbol in all of Fiore. Then what could the symbol be? I was yanked out of my thought process when the girl cleared her throat.
"Have any of you seen him?" She pleaded. I noticed the lines under her eyes, and the tired way she spoke. I wondered if she was okay. Lucy stepped forward and nodded. The girl's eyes brightened suddenly, and she looked relieved. Lucy smiled.
"Yes. He's actually one of my Celestial Spirits." Lucy replied happily. The girl's face suddenly darkened, and I shrunk back against Angelina.
"He is not your spirit." She growled. "And he belongs to no one." She turned to face the rest of us with a hateful expression.
"Now, who's seen my brother?" The girl demanded. I raised my hand. She glared towards me.
"Where is he?" She insisted. I lowered my head and muttered something along the lines of Um, I don't know... and I didn't have to see her to imagine her angry face and hear her growl of frustration. I spoke up before she had the time to murder me.
"I'm so sorry. I haven't seen your brother. I'm new here, b-but I do know that Lucy can help you. Please don't be mad at her, she was only trying to help." I begged. The girl took a long look at me. We stood there, having a silent stare-down for what seemed like an hour. Finally, she turned to Lucy and sighed.
"I'm Akira. This girl here says you can help me, so take your best shot." She stared down at Lucy and I. If looks could kill, I'd be like the Wicked Witch of the West in a hot tub. I'm melting...
"I haven't seen Leo for a while, but I could summon him for you, if you want." Lucy suggested. The girl – Akira – smiled. She looked happy for the first time since she had walked into the guild. She nodded to Lucy.
"Yes! Please, go ahead." Akira beamed. Lucy grinned back.
"Sure thing." She said, already reaching towards her belt. She drew out a large ring of keys. Some of them were a dull silver color, and simple looking. A few of them, however, were bright gold. The bottoms were delicately carved into swirly shapes. Each one had an insignia etched on it. Lucy took her time thumbing through the different keys. Eventually, she selected one with a strange symbol on it. It was a circle connected to a snakelike shape. It was red, and around it there was the shape of a lion head engraved into the gold. Lucy raised her arm and thrusted the key out violently.
"Open, gate of the Lion! Leo!" Lucy bellowed. She frowned. Nothing happened. She looked at the key, confused.
"Wha- it always works!" Lucy objected. She tried again, shoving the key outward. Again, nothing happened.
"I don't understand..." She wailed. Angelina walked over to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Lucy, it's okay. I'm sure you're just tired." She speculated. Angelina turned to the rest of us.
"Oh yeah! We just got back from a job yesterday, and Lucy hasn't slept for days. She must not have enough magic energy to summon Leo!" Natsu blurted suddenly. Lucy sighed in agreement.
"I do really need a nap..." She mumbled. I laughed and everyone turned to look at me. Oops.
"Well, there's no use trying again. It'll only make you more tired." The boy- Gray- chided. Lucy turned a bit red.
"Do you have a better idea?" She puffed angrily. Gray tilted his head at her.
"Yes, actually. You should go home and get some rest. We'll wait for you here." He nudged her shoulder. Lucy sighed again, consenting to the idea.
"Oh, alright. I'll go home, rest, shower, and eat. Then I can come back and summon your brother." She conceded. She looked at Akira for confirmation.
"I think rest would be a good idea." Akira agreed. Lucy bowed her head, approvingly. She headed over to where a pile full of luggage lay in a heap on the floor. She extracted a large, blue suitcase, and she headed towards the door.
"Bye, guys! I'll be back soon!" She shouted over her shoulder. The rest of the guild waved back until she was out of sight. When she was finally gone, I turned to Natsu.
"What now?" I asked. He grinned back at me.
"Now, we wait..."

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