Never Say Never

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Lucy's P.O.V

It was a Friday evening the sun was shining and we had just finished for summer vacation. I was sat in my back garden listening to the Radio enjoying the music. When suddenly Beauty and a beat comes on and I jump out of my chair and start dancing round the garden. Justin was the reason I smile...As the song slowly faded out the presenter started to speak "If you want tickets to Justin Biebers show and Meet and Greet tickets,now is the time to call in!". I got up and ran into the house to find my phone ran back outside and sat and waited for the number to call.

As I typed in the number the phone started to ring. This was a very tensioness moment. As the phone picked up I heard a voice say "Congratulations! You have just won yourself a pair of tickets and meet and greets to Justin Biebers show!" I paused for a second and then started to scream the presenter laughed as my mum came running out the house to see what had happened to me and realised I was on the phone so she went back inside. All I could say was Thank you..Thank you,Thank you,Thank you!

As the phone hung up I was still in shock. My mum was a single mother if two children. So we've never been a rich family. So I've never been able to afford to go to his concert and this was my opportunity! I get to meet JUSTIN BIEBER! I had two tickets, so I was obviously going to go with my sister. My sister is a year older than me and I knew she would love to go.

*2 weeks later*

Me and my sister were getting ready for the concert as putting on our Justin t-shirts. We were hyped! We were about to see J U S T I N B I E B E R. The next few hours flew by and the we were in the the que to meet Justin Bieber! All around us were rich bitchy snobby girls who were giving me and my sister dirty looks as they were dressed in there slutty clothes and me and my sister were dressed in Justin tops! We were slowly approaching the front of the line as a rich bitch pushed infront of us and said "Get out the way you idiots. We're next. Your not good enough to meet Justin Bieber" I could now see Justin we were that close and he suddenly turned around and looked our way. He started walking towards the front of the que. The bitches that had just pushed infront started getting all excited flicking there hair and smiling all big. As Justin approached he walked around the girls and said to me "are these girls bothering you?" I couldn't even speak,Justin was speaking to me. Me our of all he people in this que,he was speaking to me. I got lost in his big brown eyes and just nodded. He turned around to the girls and said to security "can you please take these to the back of the line" and then started walking back to the red carpet were the photos were being taken. There was one group of people there at the moment waiting to have there photo taken. As he disappeared back. The bitch from infront turned round and said quietly "ha,you think your amazing don't you,we'll your not so get that into you fat ugly head before you get over there" and then she kicked me in the chin and walked off. The pain was terrible no one had saw. I turned to my sister with tears in my eyes. She had heels on and had dug them in while she did it. I could feel the blood pouring down my leg and my sister had only then realised I was crying and it wasn't because of Justin Bieber it was because I was in pain. A lot of pain.

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