Posh Rich Snob.

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My sister looked at me and I just looked down at my chin. I couldn't stand by here any longer I had to go and get this sorted,but what about Justin? This was my dream..It was our turn I said to my sister "maybe we can have a photo and get this sorted quickly". She replied "Lucy,your losing a lot of blood,you really need to get it sorted now." You could see the blood on my jeans because I had light denim on. I said to Jemima "please sis,I can wait" Justin turned round and we were called over I hobbled over and hoped that no one would realise the blood on my leg,but Justin did. He looked straight at it..

Justin:hey there,what have you done to your leg? (Then murmured quietly to himself) it better to of been on of those little bitches over there.

Me:it's nothing,I'm fine.

Justin:no your not,you need to get that sorted hang on there a second.

Justin walked off and came back with Scooter next to him.

Justin:Scooters going to take you to a dressing room for you to get that checked out,I'll be over to check on you as soon as I have finished.

Me:No,you really don't have to.

Justin:no,just go.

Me and Jemima walked with Scooter to the dressing room..and I was sat down on the chair as a nurse walked in and towards me. She rolled up my jeans to see the wound. Wow,It was pretty bad. Jemima (Jemimas my sister) looked away. It must have been worse than I thought because she has a strong stomach and can deal with thing like this but she couldn't do this.

The nurse looked up at me and said..

"This is gonna sting a little,but stay nice and still..I'm going to have to put stitches in it because its pretty deep,how did you do it?"

Me:"Well,um a girl in the que kind of kicked me and she had heels on and it's worse than I thought I swear"

I squeeze Jemimas hand as I had the stitches thread through my skin and she calls my mum and told her everything will be fine. We had now been in here for sour 2 hours and the nurse was just finishing what she was doing as Scooter smiled at me. The door knocked and the opened as Justin walked in and over to me.

Justin:Hey,how you doing?

Me:I'm good..you really don't have to do this you know.

Justin:No. I want to do this.

The nurse interrupted as she said "Well the girl who kicked you in the que doesn't deserve to be here tonight.

Justin gave me a funny look and I just looked at ten nurse and said "Thank you for doing this for me" and she replied "it's okay sweetie" and left the room. I looked over to the mirror and saw my tear stained face and stitched up leg.

Justin:The girl kicked you in the que. Explain?

Me:no,it's fine seriously.

He looks up at my sister and says:do you want to explain then?

Jemima:well when you sent the girl to the back of the que she turned to Lucy and kicked her really hard obviously you can see the injury she has.

Justin:so it's my fault,I'm so sorry!

Me:No,don't worry! I'm fine!

Justin:That little bitch.

Scooter kind of looked at him like are you actually saying that.

Well. I ca,e here to meet Justin and watch his concert and now I, in a dressing room with stitches in my leg and blood all over my jeans with a year stained face. we talked for a bit longer but Justin had to go and start getting ready for his performance. it before he left he looked at me wiped my cheeks to get the stains off and kissed the top of my head and said "have fun out there watching tonight" and I replied "have fun out there performing tonight" he turned and smiled at me when leaving the room. The were all so nice.

As the show began the crew had given me and my sister our own private box kind of thigh to sit in. Me and My sister chanted and cheered and cried and sang. When suddenly Scooter approached me from behind and whispered in my ear "would you like to b one less lonely girl?" I screamed and replied "are you serious?" And he said "as serious as ever" I then replied "yes,yes please" he told me to follow him as I left Jemima in the box I followed him back stage as Justin started to sing I was told to all on stage as I did Justin grabbed my hand and a smiled at me. He escorted me to the chair and gave me the crown while singing to me, this was my dream. I just hope Jemima had it all on record she knew how much I loved him.

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