Chapter 6: performance time

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Harry's Pov:

I was beyond nervous! Jenna's voice was bad because Louis overworked her! The girls were practicing backstage while getting finishing touches on there makeup and hair. " Harry!" I see Ree coming up to me. " I'm scared " she says running her hands through her hair. " I know what your going through I was 16 when I did X factor you will do great and your band mates know how to cover!" She nods and hops back to Madi. " curly " I look over and Jenna is waving me over. " what's up " " Harry i swear to god if we go home tomorrow tomlinson is dead " I laugh and a guy with a clipboard came an told the girls there on in 5 and handed them microphones.

" I'm going to go sit with the rest of the boys!" I hug each of the girls and make a quick dash to the front row. " hey Haz" Liam says. " how are they ?" Niall questions. " nervous and scared " I reply and the lights dim.

" one way or another " Jenna starts out strong. The four girls follow her out.


" amazing great first performance!" Luis says. " Jenna I heard your sick but you could not tell! How are you feeling?" Tulsa asks. " ya sick... I'm fine " Simon raises a brow and looks over at us. " Jenna your voice is strong and amazing why didnt you stick with being a solo artist?!" Simon says with the audience replying with booing. " these are my friends my sisters we are a band I am no leader we work together" the judges nodded and exited the stage.

Jenna's Pov:

We did it my voice didn't crack or anything we got back stage and we screamed hugging eachother. " ok girls please head back to the xtra factor stage to get interviewed by olly and nick." We nodded and linked arms and walked into the interview.

" and please welcome secrets!" We walked on stage and sat on the couch. " Jenna a powerful little response you gave to Simon out there" nick said grinning. " ya I did this for us these girls are like my sisters were in this together" I said. " so Ree what's it like being the youngest?" Olly asked. " it's awesome cause I have 4 older sisters to look out for me " they nod. " so does anyone fancy anybody?" Nick wiggles his eyebrows. We all look at eachother. " Jenna I think you fancy someone " I raise my eyebrows shit do I say Harry or George! " pardon me?" I say. " I'm dating jj " Saddie pipes in. " since when!" I say in shock she never told me this! " since he asked me out before the show" " so that's where you went!" Madi says. " how about you little Ree you dating or fancy anyone " olly asks. " I fancy someone but he's like 3 years older than me " she says blushing! " ouu how about you Kat and Madi?" " I have a boyfriend back at home we've been dating for 5 years " Kat says smiling. " and Madi how about yourself?" She looks down " no I don't like anyone at the moment" " ok that's it for secrets good luck with results tomorrow girls!" We wave and head back to are house.

We walk in the door and I kick off my heels and I feel someone walk up behind me and the next thing I know I'm being slung over someone's shoulder. I was brought up to me and saddie's room and layed down on my bed. " surprise " it was George thank god. " you fucking scared me you twat!" He laughed and laid down beside me. " I need to get changed I'm still in my performing cloths" I say standing up. " just change here " he says wiggling his eyebrows. " cute no ill be back " I quickly shower and remove my makeup and put my wet hair in a bun and walk out in George's sweater. It's like a dress so it covers my mum plus I'm wearing my old cheerleading spankies so I'm good.

" you showered?" He asks and I nod laying down beside him. " yup I had to get hair spray and makeup off " I said cuddling into him. " I'm tired " he says rolling over so he's on top if me. " George get off your crushing me" I say and he pulls me onto his chest and that's how I fall asleep.

Louis's Pov :

The girls did alot better than I thought. Simon called me after the show to go talk to him. " what's the really reason she's under the weather Louis?" I sigh I never made for her to get sick and lose her voice. " over pushing it at practices " I say. " she wouldn't work that hard unless she's pushed Louis stop it I know you don't like her but Louis if you hadn't noticed she's a spitting imagine of you! A girl you!" I roll my eyes and head back to the house.

I head in and plop myself on the couch. " lou" I see Zayn coming out if the kitchen. " hey z where's Haz?" I ask. " out to get supper with Niam " he says laughing. I nod and went upstairs to check on the girls. I look in Kat, Madi's, and Ree's room. Kat was skyping her boyfriend , Madi was sleeping, and Ree is just starring up at the ceiling. " bored Ree? " I ask she nods and I wave her to follow me. I stop by Jenna's room just to check up on her. I knock and no response so I peer in and she's asleep on George's chest while he's playing with her hair. " she's tired huh?" I ask. " no thanks to you. Your just lucky she drank like a gallon of tea before her performance or they'd be going home tomorrow " I feel like shit. I didn't mean for this to happen. " i know I'm sorry ill call you guys for supper when it gets here " I say and Ree follows me down stairs. " wanna play FIFA with me and Zayn? She nods and we game.

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