Chapter 8: Talent

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Harry's Pov:

It was performance time again the girls where getting makeup and hair done and tuning guitars. " is Liam and Zayn ok they seem more distant than usual? " Jenna asked concern. " I really don't know " I say looking down at my phone to see I have a text from Louis.

From Boobear:

Where are you? Xx

To Boobear:

With Jenna why?

From boobear:

Oh. I've saved are seats and Nialls getting antsy save me! :d

" you do realize I don't even have to ask you whom you are texting cause you smile at your phone you love sick twat " Jenna says laughing patting my back as she walks towards the stage doors. I hurry around back stage and into my seat next to a bouncy Niall. " where's Louis ?" I ask as Liam and Zayn sit down. " had to wee " I laugh. Lou always had to wee at the weirdest time. " welcome to the X factor tonight we will see 16 acts perform and later on tonight we will see who will be sent home. Coming up Michaela Turner singing gone gone gone by Philip Philips "

" what did I miss?" Louis asks sliding over Nialls lap and into the seat next to me. " nothing Michaela's performing first and then the girls " he nods and huffs. We sit through Michaelas performance it was really really good. The crew bring out 5 mic stands. " please welcome to the stage secrets! " " WOOO " Niall screamed. They start playing guitar and right away I knew it was I will wait by Mumford and sons. Surprisingly Ree started off. Her voice was strong. They really were in harmonie tonight. I look over at Louis and he was in shock just as the rest of us. " and give it up for secrets ladies come over here! " the girls give there guitars to the crew and head over to the host. " that was amazing ladies judges what did you think? "

" ladies that was bloody brilliant! Ree who knew that much power could come out of you!" Luis said shocked. " girls i think you shouldn't have mentors because you clearly don't need them!" Simon said winking back at us. " well than Jenna last words how did you think you did?" " we did our best we practiced really hard we just need people to vote for us " she smiles but she looked green as they walked off stage Saddie and Kat almost carried her of stage I knew something was wrong.

From : Jenna

Harry come backstage I'm not feeling so good I need to get back to the house now

To Jenna :

Hang in there babe ill be right there have you texted George and the rest of the boys??

From Jenna :

No Harry please hurry

I showed Liam the text. " no Harry you stay here ill go instead! " Liam said rushing from his seat. " what was that about?" I ask and Zayn just looked pissed and kept his glare forward.

Liam's Pov:

I just needed to get away from Zayn and everyone. Danielle broke up with me because she thought I didn't love her anymore and that I was too focused on my music to love. " Liam? I thought I texted Harry?" Jenna said rechecking her phone. " no no you did I just came instead he's wedged between a bouncing Niall and a on edge Louis " she nods. " come on let's take you home " I say going to help her up when I notice her appearance. She was sickly white and sweating. " Jenna?" Her eyes were glossed over and starting to roll back Into her head. " Jenna stay with me now! " and she passed out. " MADI! SADDIE! KAT! REE!!" I yell. And the 4 girls came rushing over. "

OMG is she ok!" Ree asked leaning down over a passed out Jenna.

" she's sick very very sick... What did she have to eat today? " I ask. " we went to this restaurant before the show she had this type of pasta with mushrooms " Madi said feeling Jenna's forehead. " she's burning up Liam I think she might have food poisoning take her home " Kat said sighing. " ya ok will you guys be ok for judging and maybe a show down if your in bottom 2?" I ask looking between there worried faces. " Liam have more faith in us than that! " I let out a shaky laugh and pick up Jenna bridal style and carry her towards the door to my car. I walk past the dancers makeup room and peer in. " hey Liam!" Shit shit shit shit. " hi Danielle." " why are you carrying an asleep girl?" She asked Angrily tapping her foot. " she's apart of the group the boys and I are mentoring she's got food poisoning so I need to go " I say pushing past her. I felt Jenna reach her arms around me neck and kiss my check. " I know that was hard for you. You did good " and then she passed out again.

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