Chapter 3: uhm

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Jenna's Pov:

Ya I felt bad for hurting Harry's feelings but it's so obvious he like Louis. Maybe I can help? " hey Jen you alright?" I look to see George over my shoulder. I have to admit I like George alot he's been so nice to me since Louis's being a prick.

" ya I'm fine Harry's just pissed at me " I sigh. " wanna go back I think Saddie and JJ are a little busy at the moment" he laughs. I look over to see Saddie trying to get JJ's unstuck from the monkey bars. I chuckle and we start walking back. " so what's with you and Louis?" George asks me. " he just hates me!" I say sighing. " on a different note what song are you guys singing for the Red Nose Day theme?" I sigh I really wanted to do something different. " one way or another " he started laughing so I playfully punched him in the arm. " I have a feeling your going to be singing alot of one direction this year" I sigh and George holds the door into the house open for me. " Jenna " I turn around and he's leaning in. OMG he's leaning in. " JENNA!" We pull away fast. I look and Louis is standing at the door. " I should go " George blushes and walks down the hall. " IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I spit at Louis who's laughing. " ya well that's what you get for taking so long ". I hear foot steps and see Kat coming down stairs on Liam's back. " what with all the yelling we all were gaming until we heard a door slam" Liam said setting Kat back to her feet. " fucking prissy here ruined my almost kiss with George! " Kat squealed and dragged me upstairs.

" YOU ALMOST KISSED GEORGE OMG THAT'S HUGE! " she screamed. " ya almost is the keyword there " I sighed. I got up and went to my room and layed down on my bed but it's all lumpy and warm... " HOLY FUCK HARRY!" I scream jumping up from the bed. " what the hell Harry why are you in my bed!" I gasp. " sorry Jenna I got home and everyone was playing on the Xbox and I wanted to ask you something..."

" ok I'm listening " I say crossing my arms. " if I like Louis not saying I do how would I know if he likes me back?" I squealed hugging him. " what I never said I'm gay" I glare at him. " ok ok I like Lou..." " Harry I have the greatest idea!" He gave me a odd look not knowing what to. " Harry you need to make him jealous! With a girl! Or guy! Your choice really! " he got up from my bed and started pacing around the small space. " I got it! " he snapped his figures. " you be my girlfriend and help me make Louis jealous! " " hell no! " I say as he grabs my shoulders shaking me. " it's full proof he hates you which will make him jealous Jenna please!" I sighed. " but what if George finds out Harry I really really like him " he pulls me into a hug. " ill explain it to him later ok?" I nodded and we go down stairs. " hey Hazza!" Louis yells. I walk past them but Harry grabs me by my waist and kisses me. " babe wait for me outside-" Harry's sentence was cut off by a door slamming shut. " HARRY OUTSIDE NOW " Louis yelled but if the front door wasnt Louis then.. Shit George!

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