The sounded bounded off the buildings of Central and Colonel Roy Mustang began to run.
Where was it coming from?
Buildings began to morph into shapes from beating down rain, from thunder that cracked overhead, from lighting that lit up the city.
Another gunshot rang out to the frigid air. It was close, he was getting closer.
A body, blond hair, the colour red, flashed from the corner of Roy's eyes as he ran passed a shadowy alleyway.
Roy stopped and backtracked until he was standing at the entrance of the alleyway. Eye's went wide, breath came out in gasps.
There was so much blood. It pooled and entangled with the body of fifteen-year-old, Edward Elric, a subordinate of Roy's.
Roy hastily took a step forward, but remembered that the shooter could still be here, watching, waiting in the covers of the shadows. It could be a trap.
Shaking figures grasped the gun at his hip and he pointed at the alleyway. His heart beat pounded in his ears, each beat felt like a second slipping away. Edward was dying.
Each second could the last.
Nothing stirred within the shadows, lighting lit the streets and for a moment Roy saw that the alleyway was empty, except for Edward. Roy lowered the gun, ran over and knelt down beside Edward looking for a pulse. One was found, but it was faint and getting weaker.
Why - Roy thought, but a female voice that came from the entrance of the alleyway cut the thought short.
"Find a phone, call an ambulance now!" Roy snapped to the female, who was known as First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, another subordinate of Roy's.
The splashing of footsteps faded into the distance all the while Roy looked back at Edward, fingers never left the side of his neck.The feeling of slow beats brought a level of comfort to Roy.
Edward's not dead, they still had time.
"Please, stay with us." Roy pleaded low enough that the rain masked the words.
Roy jolted from the nightmarish memory. Sweat clung itself to his black hair. A quick glanced at the clock that hung on the cream colour wall read 6:15 A.M.
It's been fifteen hours and there's still no word on Edward's condition. That realisation brought a swirl of thoughts. Maybe something was wrong? Maybe there were some compactions?
Roy looked around the waiting room trying to focus on something other then the panic at the thought that they might had already lost him.
The waiting room was small. Mix-matched colourful chairs were crammed against the walls, small end tables were in the corner of every wall, a bucked of toys sat underneath the tables.
However, looking at the sad décor of the room didn't seemed to kept the thoughts at bay.
Who shot Edward and why?
Both boys, Edward and his younger brother Alphonse had enemies, but could one really be that desperate for revenge; hoping killing one of the brother could bring back their lives that were ruled by lies and deception?
"Roy Mustang."
Roy quickly turned.
A nurse, who wear the standardized nursing dress that hung above the knees, stood beside him. There was a golden name tag that was pinned above her heart with the name Sarah written on it. Short blond hair curved around a rounded jaw line, high cheekbones were covered in a dusty red making her blue eyes that were tainted with dullness stand out a bit more.

Misery Looms
Fanfiction-Rewrite/edit of Fullmetal Vampire- The body count is rising and fear has settled within the streets of Central from a recent string of murders. After Edward survived an attack from the murderer, Roy was given the task to look after him, but it was...