Death games. part 1

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Tegan: *pointing gun at Beta* Sorry Beta old friend, but I'm winning-

Beta: *Glaring intensely* Oh really? *Beta lets out a giant howl as a large pack of wolves come from the shadows, glaring and baring their large canines.* She's all yours. *Pats the back of the alpha as they all charge at Tegan*

Tegan: S-Shit! *Begins shooting a few wolves only to be tackled by the alpha and have her throat chomped on it, ripping some of the flesh from it. More wolves came along and began to rip at her flesh, removing some from her arms and legs. The wolves then ran off leaving her body behind*.

Beta: Sorry Tegan....Nothing personal. *Flips hair and turns to see Rachel holding a large rocket launcher*

Rachel: *Smirks* Rock 'n' Load bitch. *Fires the rocket launcher*.

Beta: *Sighs and quickly leaps into the air doing a half flip as the rocket went by and into a building* Tsk. *Lands with her hands and quickly flips forward to stand on her feet as she pulls a gun from her coat and shots Rachel multiple times in the chest* 

Rachel: ARG! *Falls to the ground bleeding out and groaning in pain*

Beta: *Walks over to Rachel and point gun at her eye* Lights out. *Shot her in the eye and kills her straight away.* Now- *Feels a stringing pain in her head* W-What? *Begins coughing up blood and turns around towards a building just in time to see Jack Rabbit with a large sniper*

Jack Rabbit: Hasta la vista baby. *Aims another bullet at Beta's head and fires, hitting Beta's head and killing her instantly*. Suck it Bitch. But I'm winning this.

Beta: *Falls to the ground dead*.

Jack Rabbit: *Puts a smoke in her mouth and lights it up* Well...Who's next....*Looks at the list of players* Next is-

Carlie: ARG! *Spins spear in her hand before using it to chop Jack Rabbit's Sniper into three pieces* You're the next on the list. *Points spear at Jack's throat*

Jack Rabbit: Goddammit *Puts arms in the air and stand up, glaring at Carlie* And Sugar that's where you're wrong, *Quickly pulls out a gun and begins shooting at Carlie*. You're next on the fucking list! HeHeHe!

Carlie: Fuck! *Flips backwards to avoid the bullets then leaps to the side till she ends up behind*. Spears. *Taps spear on the ground as a bunch of golden, diamond tipped spears  began to appear out of nowhere, floating in mid air*. ATTACK. *All the spears went flying at Jack Rabbit*.

Jack Rabbit: Hehehe....*Begins to dodge the spears while shooting at Carlie's cover*. CAN'T HIDE FOREVER- AH! *A spear went right through her knee cap, spilling blood everywhere and letting a loud bone breaking crack echo around the roof of the building.* FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! *Screams at the top of her lungs as she proceeded to pull the spear out and throw it at Carlie's cover*.

Carlie: *Laughs slightly, hearing Jack scream. She leans against the cover only to flinch as she felt something cut her cheek. She turned to she one of her spears were thrown back at her*. that bitch. *Comes out from cover and pulls out her bow as she grabbed an arrow from her back and begins to fire at her rapidly*.

Jack Rabbit: *Tries her best to stand as she begins to dodge the arrow, groaning in pain each time. Jack then begins to fire her gun, reloading quickly each time she ran out of bullets.

Carlie: Die you Bastard- *Flinches as a bullet goes through her hip* F-Fuck. *Coughs up some blood as she glared at Jack Rabbit*....That's it. *Her eyes begin to glow brightly as she began to float in mid air, the building beginning to shake rapidly as it began to crack and crumble.

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