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   RED BEAMS shone all around them through the thicket of ivy that consumed the walls of the Maze, beetle blades in all directions to watch them—study them. They ran with breath-taking speed but some of the other Gladers were starting to slow down, panting heavily as they fell to the back of the group. For the majority of them, this was their first time running through the twisting corridors of the maze.

Minho was in the lead now and Cassandra ran in pace beside him, staying close by his side. Always by his side, since probably the day she laid eyes on him if her memories were any hint. Her mind wandered, as her feet steadily stomped against the hard stone floor, whether fate actually existed. It was such a silly notion, something hopeless romantics or starry-eyed idealists would believe in. Yet she wondered at the possibility of it, clung to the thread of hope that bound them together despite everything that they had been through.

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