The Fight

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I am now positioned in my corner of the arena. I'm facing Lightning Blast. I don't like him, well I don't ever like any of my opponents.

Lightning Blast has a scar over his right eyebrow. He has a brown Mohawk and grey eyes. He's very tall and buff, seeming to be roughly three hundred pounds.

Oh gosh... I really should just back out now. I'm going to die, no doubt. No, remember what Zach said, use technique.

"Get ready to rumble!" Says the announcer. He throws his fist into the air signaling the fight.

I quickly rush through all possible routes. I have to think of the easiest and fastest way to throw my opponent to the ground.

I've got it. Good thing too, Lightning Blast is already charging at me, fists blocking his face and chest.

I let him nail me in the face a few times. His punches are weaker than I thought they would be.

I quickly do the hardest upper cut I have ever done in my life. He staggers back, groaning in pain. His nose and mouth fill with blood. He finally falls to the ground. I don't jump on him yet.

I decide to wait and see if he can get up. Letting the announcer count, I prepare to attack again.

"Three... Two..." The announcer continues his count. Suddenly, Lightning Blast gets up and charges once again. This time I am more prepared.

He attempts to round kick me. I block it with my fist and push back on his foot. He falls back with a yell.

The announcer starts the countdown again. I am still ready for him to get back up. The announcer doesn't even get to eight. Lightning Blast jumps up and growls at me. His eyes are full of anger, blood lust even.

He walks to me and upper cuts me. Ugh, that hurt a lot. I quickly put my arm up to my nose and find its broken along with my jaw. Okay, I might have under estimated him just a little...

I manage to block a few punches he throws. I attempt to roundhouse, but I am quickly stopped, he blocks my kick. My leg makes a terrible snapping noise. That's another broken bone to add to the list.

I won't stop here. I'll continue to fight. He is close to being knocked out. I uppercut him again, causing the blood to flow faster. He doesn't even stagger back, he just falls backward, unconscious.

I did it. I can't believe I did it. The announcer starts the countdown for the final time. "Three... Two.." Lightning Blast isn't even moving.

"One!" The announcer walks over to me and thrusts my fist into the air. I won! I am so excited. I hope Zach saw everything.

I didn't realize all the pain until now. It hurts extremely bad, it's nauseating. I feel everything start to go black.

The announcer puts both arms under my shoulders, making sure I don't fall. My eye lids slowly fall. Before they do, I see Zach rushing into the arena.

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