Party (part 2!)

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The Dipper's walked around the bedroom going over plans, there now were many more Dipper's than before.

"Okay, are we all clear on the plan?" Dipper said.

All the Dipper's and Tyrone murmured in agreement taking out and unfolding a giant pathlet

"Okay then let's get going. " Dipper said.

Meanwhile Mabel was talking to her new friends Candy and Grenda, asking and laughing enjoying herself.

"Um hey, everybody? We're going to start the talent show and vote for the best partier, which, I don't think is a word, gets the party crown!" Soos announced.

"Oh well I'm sure to win so you can just hand that over now." Said a blond girl in a jewel studded flapper dress.

"Woh, who's that?" Mabel asked.

"That is Pacifica Northwest, the most popular girl in town." Candy said whispering.

"She makes me feel bad about myself!" Grenda said.

"Um, well that's not really how it works, you have to win the crown and stuff." Soos said awkwardly.

"Oh please who going to compete against me? Fork girl? Lizard lady?" Pacifica replied.

"I will!" Mabel said cheerily walking up to the stage. "Hi, I'm Mabel."

"That sounds like a boring dime a dozen name." Pacifica said.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Mabel said smiling.

"Okay then, looks like we've got ourselves a competition. May the best win." Soos said.

"Oh I will." Pacifica said.


"Hey Soos!" A copy Dipper said before whispering something to him.

"Um, someone's bike is being stolen so..." Soos announced.

"What?!" Robbie exclaimed running outside.


"Hey Scarlett, I'm all good now, I'll take over again." Said a copy of Dipper.

Cynthia smirked knowing it was a copy. "Okay, thanks Dipper."

"Now let's see how Dipper's new found 'power' works out." Cynthia thought.

(Okay we all know how the party goes so I'll probably skipping some parts so I don't have to rewrite what we all already know)

"Perfect, now to go talk to-" Dipper thought walking towards the party area. "Wendy?!"

"Oh hey Dipper, just waiting for the restroom." Wendy said casually.

"Uh, wouldn't you rather be dancing with everyone?" Dipper asked panicking.

Okay, I am sorry but I just can't dwell on this chapter anymore basically everything happens the same, Cynthia helps with the clones though she seems more interested in how Dipper and Mabel react to it. And that's about it, at some point I might actually finish the chapter but really nothing else was happening so... REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYYYEEEEE!!

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