An Unexpected Visit

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Chapter 10

Light poured through the window, waking me from my slumber.

I groaned, flipping onto my side, not wanting to leave the comfort of the soft bed. It seemed so surreal that I was laying on an actual mattress. Honestly, anything is better when compared to wooden floorboards.

Every thought of mine was clouded by Arthur's kiss. I couldn't get the feeling or thought out of my head. I felt ashamed and most of all worried he'd perceive me differently. If only I could peek into that head of his, then I just might be able to live with myself.

A melodic song breezed into the open window, drawing me towards it. The feathers of a small blue jay ruffled and then unruffled on its delicate body. Smiling, I remembered my fathers blue coat he would always wear out to work.

I missed him so much it hurt, he was the most prominent figure in my life. It was actually pretty amusing how my mother and father were polar opposites. My mother was the more grounded, set in her own ways, stubborn, and very mindful of our reputation type of woman. Whereas, my father was an adventurous, carefree, go with the flow type of man. You never would've thought to pair my parents together.

A knock sounded from the closed door, jolting me away from my thoughts.

"Mary, are you in there?" Adriana loudly whispered. A smile graced my lips, I could've guessed it was her. Padding over to the door, I cracked it open.

"Yes Adri?" I asked, confused as to why she was whispering. Quickly, Adriana hurried through the doorway, slamming it shut behind her. She smiled distractedly, looking from one side to the other. "What are you doing?" I cocked my head to the side, trying to understand. Adriana brought her pointer finger up to my lips, silencing me.

"These men are asking for you," she whispered, looking rather pale. Could it be Caldwell? Maelodor? Forannan? Colcu? Different scenarios popped up inside my head, making me feel sick. I couldn't think straight, as if the life was sucked out of me. If it really was them, Caldwell will most likely get what he wants. I doubted Arthur and Gavin could take on four men all by themselves.

"What did they look like?" I whispered back, scared for my life. Why can't I have a normal life? Was it too much to ask for?

"One had bright red hair," She answered breathlessly. Adriana's hands started trembling, shaking the doorknob violently. My eyes widened into saucers. They've finally found me. I wondered how long it was going to take for them to realize where I was. Taking Adriana's hand into mine, I gazed at her in fear.

"You need to find a way out. Now." I firmly stated. If I knew Caldwell, I knew he would use the people I love against me. In the quick amount of time I've known Adriana, I had a feeling we were going to be the best of friends. I wouldn't be able to bear loosing a friend over my ignorant decisions. Slowly, I opened the door, stepping as lightly as I could. Adriana followed suit.

"Who are they?" Adriana increased her grip, I could tell she was scared. Hell, I was scared too.

"If they are who I think they are, you don't want to know." I inwardly cursed, hating the fact that I brought them here. It was my fault. I'm the one they want. Peeking behind the wall, I could make out Arthur's form standing in front of the open doorway. I could hear voices coming from outside. Adriana and I quietly descended the stairs, making sure our steps were inaudible.

"Like I told you, I don't know where Adelaide is," Arthur said, scratching the back of his head, seeming confused. Beside me, Adelaide visibly stiffened.

"I know you're lying. If you're harboring her, I won't hesitate to kill you," Caldwell's voice reached through the opening of the door. Hatred flowed through my veins, I needed to vent. I needed to hit something. Hit him.

My legs moved of their own accord. Adriana's hand clasped onto my shoulder, shaking her head rapidly. She didn't understand, couldn't understand. This was something I needed to do, something that I needed to fix. I can't have them dead because of me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Yanking my hand out of Adriana's grasp, I placed my palms on either side of Arthur, moving around him. This is it. This is the moment that either makes me or breaks me. He flinched underneath my touch, quickly adverting his attention from Caldwell.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the one and only Adelaide Pierce," Caldwell laughed, his eyes boring into mine as I visibly tightened my hold around Arthur. In that very moment, my emotions were in a frenzy. Images of being hit by Colcu flashed in front of my eyes. I don't think I can handle this...

Arthur finally registered the name Caldwell uttered. His head shot straight into my direction, looking down at me with wide eyes. In the beginning, I felt that it was the right decision. But now, I instantly regretted lying to him.

"Mary?" he questioned, more to himself than to anyone else. I wanted to assure him it was for my protection. I wanted to explain to him why I did what I did. Why I lied. Caldwell snickered, laughing hysterically.

"Mary? Really? Is that the best name you could think of, Adelaide?" His chuckles resonated throughout my thoughts. I balled my hands into fists, shaking with anger. I knew that no matter how much I fought and resisted, he'd always catch up to me in the end. Maybe I should've ended it once and for all? Maybe I should've never been in that carriage? But the sad thing is, the past is the past and there's no going back.

Without warning, Caldwell instantly took a hold of my arm, dragging me towards him. A lump formed inside my throat. I realized I never wanted to leave Arthur's side, I wanted him to protect me like he did that day on the river. In my own way, I guess it was my turn to save him...

"Don't even think about calling for your little boy toy," he whispered, receiving a cringe in response. I connected my eyes with Arthur's, pleading for him to understand. He needed to know why I pulled away. He needed to understand why I reacted the way I did last night. Caldwell's hold tightened, making it impossible to escape.

Arthur's face lit up, as if he finally registered what was taking place. Just as quickly, his eyes turned dark and menacing.

"Let. Go. Of. Her." He growled, sliding his sword out of its sheath. For the first time, since meeting Arthur, he looked livid.

"What if I don't?" Caldwell countered, trying to get a rise out of Arthur. I whirled my head from side to side, scared of what Caldwell might do. How unpredictable he was.

In a flash, Arthur's sword was held up against Caldwell's throat. His eyes glared intensely, threatening to strike. I was so used to the kind, thoughtful, caring side of Arthur. Never did it come to mind the reason why he was knighted.

"Then I'll have no choice but to kill you," he snarled, glaring right into his eyes. I couldn't help but gaze back, seeing the look on Caldwell's face.

"Do it, beggar," Caldwell laughed, staring at Arthur as if he was above him. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," and with that, his hands disappeared from my arm. My brows knitted together in confusion. What just happened? Why is he letting me go? "Till next time, Adelaide Pierce," he smirked, gliding his tongue across his bottom lip. Almost instantly, a crack of lightening sounded and Caldwell Merrick was nowhere to be seen.


What's this?! An update?! What?! When?! How?! Haha anyways, It's been way too long since I last updated this story. I think it's been almost two years actually...and I'm really sorry about that. Again, I'm sorry about this chapter being a little confusing and I'm still really rusty from not writing in awhile, so bear with me. Also, I wanted to tell you guys the truth, why I didn't update on this story. I got discouraged and wasn't happy with the way I wrote it. Editing and looking back on it now makes me see everything I did incorrectly. I'm actually super close to scrapping it because I feel as if it's unsatisfactory. But I don't want to leave you guys hanging, so I've decided to continue it. Even when I'm discouraged. Hopefully this'll turn into a better story than it is right now. Thank you for all of your support and I love you guys <3


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