In Your Dreams

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Chapter 13

"Who said you could escape Adelaide?"

His green eyes and fiery red hair glistened in the light of the fire pit. Caldwell had a menacing smirk plastered onto his face, imagining different horrific scenarios.

I could feel the shift in temperature, as the wind rustled through the trees. "Who said I'd let you leave without your head on a platter?" he laughed hysterically, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine in fear.

"Get away from me!" I shouted, remembering everything he made me endure. I gasped out pained breathes, trying to calm my racing heart. I couldn't, wouldn't, let this man be the death of me. I had to stand up for myself and the others around me. I couldn't keep being the timid woman I've turned into.

His laugh echoed throughout the forest, inching closer. The calculating strides he took escalated my fear even more.

"I've told you before Adelaide, you can't run away from me," he smiled in a sadistic manner. This time, his hand cupped my jawline, forcing me to stare into his eyes. Screams and shouts erupted from my lips, not phasing him in the slightest. His hand flew up my skirt, a triumphant look on his face.

"You look so much like your mother...," he trailed off, looking as if he was lost in a distant memory. Tears streaked down my face as whimpers shook my shoulders. I let out one last glass shattering cry, before he took me.


Gasping, I lurched forward. Sweat trickled down the middle of my back. It was a dream, just a dream. Closing my eyes, I tried forgetting the feeling of his hands on my thighs. It made me nauseous just thinking about it.

I rarely ever had dreams, if you could call them that. Never did I have a dream so vivid...

I gazed up, the night sky twinkling back. It's still nightfall. I didn't have the desire to go back to sleep, scared that the dream would continue.

From across the glowing embers, Arthur's head popped up from the blankets. He looks good, even in this light.

"Adelaide?" He asked, worry lacing his tone. Shaking uncontrollably, I tried to hide how petrified I was. I couldn't answer him, for fear of my voice cracking. "Adelaide," it wasn't a question now, more of a statement. He threw the blankets off of him, marching over to my side of the fire. Kneeling down, he looked me straight in the eyes.

"I'm just cold," I lied, hoping he'd catch on and forget what he just saw. I hated how vulnerable and weak I seemed. A frustrated look glinted in Arthur's eyes.

"Liar," he breathed, grasping the sides of my waist and pulling me against his chest. Letting out a surprised yelp, I tried rejecting his embrace. I told him before how unstable I was, he couldn't just touch me freely...

"Stop," I muttered, not really wanting him to stop. Arthur's hold tightened as he held my face in the cups of his hands. I could feel my eyes start to brim with tears. Please, not here.

"Don't lie to me Adelaide, I know when you are," he said, brushing his thumb just under the skin of my eye. Coldness stun my skin. I realized the tears were already flooding out. Whimpers shook my body as I caved into Arthur. I felt safe in his arms, as if nothing could harm me.

"I'm...s-sorry," I let out, small hiccups and lungfuls of air interrupting my apology. I was a lady of class for gods sake! To be this weak...

I started questioning everything my parents taught me. Of course I was brought up for the sole purpose of marrying a man that matched my dowry, or more. It hurt sometimes, realizing I couldn't marry for love. Yet...I recall Oliver being different. My parents loved him and so did I, there wasn't a problem until the day of the carriage...

"Shhh, don't apologize Addie," he whispered, shortening my name. I liked the way it rolled off his tongue so effortlessly. His long, lean, fingers stroked my hair in a downwards motion. I couldn't help but tilt my head slightly, allowing him to comfort me.

This feeling, a feeling I couldn't quite explain, filled my heart. I couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but I knew I liked him this close to me. The way he was whispering sweet, calming words, melted my heart. He really knows how to take care of a woman, I thought.

Almost instantly, as that thought entered my mind, so did the idea of him with other women. Just the thought alone made me want to puke. It was strange really, wanting him all to myself...

Shaking my head, I internally chastised myself. You don't want him all to yourself, silly girl. I smiled a sad smile, studying Arthur's sleeping form. For awhile now, he'd been consoling me, making sure I was comfortable. But, seeing his sleeping face, did unspeakable things to my heart.

His short, blonde hair, fell past his eyebrows. He looked peaceful and calm, as if nothing could wake him up.

I could make out a light shade of stubble across his jawline. I love stubble on a man. His breathing turned quiet and deep. I could feel his chest rise and fall with every intake of air he took. Secretly, I felt like a complete stalker for staring at him like this.

However, I still wanted to run my fingers through his short, thick mane. Not being able to help myself, I reached my hand out. My fingertips lightly touched the golden strands on his head, before a hand grasped mine. Arthur's eyes flew open, softening as they connected with mine.

"Touching a man in his sleep? How crude Adelaide," he smiled devilishly, bringing his face closer to mine. Almost instantly, I regretted wanting to touch him in the first place.

"I...w-wasn't...d-doing anything," I stammered out, trying to keep my dignity intact. Arthur just smirked in response, winking at me playfully.

"You're so innocent," he whispered, his smile spreading even wider as he praised my soft hands.

"Innocent?! It sounds as if you're insulting me..." I trailed off, shifting my eyes to the fire. His chest vibrated as he laughed deeply.

"Quite the opposite Ms. Pierce," he said, moving his hands to the sides of my thighs. "I like seeing you blush so profusely," Arthur finished, smiling his secretive smile.


Hi lovely readers! How'd you like this chapter? I know it wasn't a really eventful one, but I wanted to show Arthur's and Adelaide's relationship a little more. Do you agree with her rejecting him? Thinking its protecting him? Or do you disagree? Tell me in the comments ;) and don't forget to comment and vote if you liked this chapter! <3

Happy reading!

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